I keep getting a CSS error even though I have DvD43 running. Is there anything I can try to fix this that someone else has seen?
DVD43 isn't that good a proggy. Try AnyDVD or DVD Decrypter if you want to rip a DVD - AnyDVD was recently upgraded and is currently the best in it's type of program on the market. Still there are some DVD's it won't rip - AnyDVD - http://www.slysoft.com/en/anydvd.html DVD Decrypter is one of the best proggys on the market and in over 900 rips there is nothing I haven't been able to rip with it. Once or twice I had to go in and change a setting but it's never failed - DVD Decrypter - http://www.dvddecrypter.com/ Cheers, Pete