Hey I was wondering if people were having trouble using their nintendo wifi on their M3 Simply? I tried using the wifi to play my Tetris DS rom against other opponents and it wouldn't connect. I also tried on Mario Kart and the same thing happened. I wanted to see if it was just my M3 or my console and so I also tried FF3 which I have the cartridge to check my connection and it worked fine. Is anyone else having this problem? Any ideas as to what I should do? Any ideas are much appreciated.
did you trim your roms? wierd though, because i play mario kart(badly) with a trimmed rom and it works when i race against other people over wifi. no download play though...
It would be better if you had the same original as the ROM that dosn't work to test with, games such as Mario Kart and Tetris can have originals that don't work when other games do based on the settings of your wireless access point/router.