I am trying to backup 24 (Twenty-Four) the TV show DVD set Season 2 with DVD X Copy gold. For some retarded reason the 2nd part (or second half of the discs) do not play. I look at the DVD-R and it sure burned the whole 4.3 gigs and when you put it in the player it asks for disc 1. No matter how I set it. no menu, start with movie, etc. This is the first problem I have encountered ever. I have done hundreds of different titles especially the episodic dvds. And the original Discs 2 through 6 say that you can fit it all on one disc if you omit the special features which would go on disc 2, but that is not true because I get cut off in disc 1 with half of the disc. So even if I copy the whole thing only the first half (disc 1) works and disc 2 is always a coaster. Help would be appreciated.
Hi jadeps, There is a thread dedicated to DVD X Copy products. See link at the bottom of the page. Daba
Unfortunately Gold is not the best 321studios platform to copy episodics. You will fare better with Xpress or Platinum. Oh and BTW, daba is right.
Yeah sorry about that. I'm new. I posted it in the other forum, but haven't gotten any responses. Gold came with Xpress, but Xpress doesn't work episodic dvds. It'll only burn the first episode of each disc with Xpress. I never tried platinum though. I've burned every other episodic dvd with Gold already like Sopranos, X-Files, and even 24 season 1. But season 2 is kickin me.
how did you burn the episode discs cause im trying to do the sopranos to 2 dvd so i dont lose quailty
Jadeps2, You are wrong about Express, it will burn episodics, unnless you have the stripped version that most Walmart and other discount stores sells, which doesn't offer the features of the full version which gives the option to check or uncheck the entire disk. The problem with the version that comes with gold is that it isn't an updated version that will handle copying all episodics, just some. The full version of Xpress or Platinum should overcome that obstacle. I recommend that you just download decrypter and shrink and call it a day. My motto: Keep it simple, stupid. Makes life,in the dvd world, a bit less annoying . Good Luck