Problems with Audio Sync on 1 of 4 Vob files

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Me_Here, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. Me_Here

    Me_Here Guest

    First let me say Thanks for the years of great help I and users Ive sent here have received, for the wonderful guides and help yall have here.

    Secondly, I'm relatively new to the world of DVD authoring and therefore pre apologize for my n00biness.. lol.

    Here is my problem:
    I have a dvd that 1 of the 4 VOB files has the audio out of sync by some ms from the video. I have attempted to re-encode with WinAVI, originally both 3 and 4 were out of sync now only #4.

    What I have done:
    -Obtained a two part AVI file and joined them with AVI/MPEG/RM/WMV Joiner v4.11. Encoded the new joined AVI with WinAVI 7.6.
    -Both the two part AVI's and the Joined AVI have perfect sync.

    I've read many threads on the site here in an attempt to answer my query and none of them seem to be exactly what I need, or are above my ability to understand them enough to realize its my fix.

    My Question:
    Is there a way to re-sync the audio and video of only one of the VOB files?
    Is it only possible by 'stripping' the audio off of the VOB and rejoining it in another format? (sounds way over my head)
    What might have caused this? (so i can avoid such in the future)
    Could anyone explain this to me and n00biness terms?

    Thanks In Advance :>
  2. rdmercer1

    rdmercer1 Active member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    why don't you just download the file again? also virtuldub will fix out of sync files
  3. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    Try this:bring your combined AVI file into vsoDivxToDVD

    Download and install Shrink and Decrypter.

    DVD Shrink

    DVD Decrypter

    Run Decrypter and set the burning speed to 4x.
    Exit Decrypter.

    Run Shrink and click 'Open files':load the files that were output from Divx.
    Play the video to check the sync in Shrink.
    Click 'Backup!' and when asked, tell it to burn the iso with Decrypter.

    All programs are freeware.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2007
  4. Me_Here

    Me_Here Guest

    Thanks to both of you rdmercer1 and attar for your replies.

    I first took the advice of Rdmercer1 and re 'aquired' a better source for my dvd. This seemed like all was well until i came across another one.. first half is great second half out of sync.. again :S

    Reading the site here last few days seems im not alone. So I got to follow Attars advice this time.. seemed using the vsoDivxtoDVD and it was perfect. Im not sure how that could have fixed it, I guess i dont really understand about the mechanism.. Im just thrilled it worked.

    Thanks guys for the help.

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