problems with avi2dvd

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by ilikepies, Jul 17, 2006.

  1. ilikepies

    ilikepies Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    hi there, used this to change my file into an iso so i could burn it.
    have tried to burn it using nero and dvd decrypter, both say its too large.

    says space available is 4482MB and image size is 4749MB. they are 4.7GB discs.

    am i doing something wrong or did i set up avi2dvd wrong and will have to redo it? cos it takes ages

    cheers, alex
  2. kgtrain

    kgtrain Regular member

    Jul 11, 2006
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    Doesn't sound like it.
    Try using a program like dvd shrink, a great freeware tool.. Pity they discontinued it to ever1 in the know.
    Shrink can re-author and re-encode the movie & makes it easy to choose what to keep and what to lose, to get the size down.

    Or if your up 4 the challange you can use nero's overburn option by
    starting nero burning rom or express
    select dvd for media type
    add the dvd file
    go to option then expert features
    tick enable dvd overburning & play around with the size until it fits

    However max free space is 4.36 gig, using overburn will more than likely screw your copy up if its too big! The best way is with shrink dvd!
  3. supreme01

    supreme01 Member

    Aug 22, 2006
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    Can you tell me why AVi2DVD will not let me select a audiostream? I used AVI2DVD once to turn a slide show I made with MS Movie Maker into an iso file so I could burn it with DVD shrink. When I used AVi2dvd everything went fine and it converted it to the iso but the sound on the dvd stopped after the fifth slide and didn't start again. I tried to redo the slide show but it told me I need to convert my DV avi to a regular avi. I did that and now it says I don't have an audio stream. Can anyone help me??
  4. DamonDash

    DamonDash Guest

    Let me suggest ConvertXtoDVD i use this program to covert all my Avi2DVD never have any sound out of sync or any other problem and also it works very quick.

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