Hello. I'm having some problems with AVI2DVD when i'm trying to convert a .avi file to DVD in the beggining of the process. I do all the configurations that the guide http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/avi_to_dvd_avi2dvd.cfm says me to do. The log that appears is this: Code: [3:43:18] AVI2DVD Started ! [3:43:20] Type mode : Avi Input [3:43:20] Output : Dvd [3:43:20] Encoder Selected : CCE [3:43:20] Start demuxing the AudioStream No.1 ... [3:44:06] Demuxing of the selected audio finished successfully ! [C:\Documents and Settings\João Cunha\Os meus documentos\Os meus vídeos\Die Hard 4\Avi2dvd_temp\Extracted_Audio.mp3 168334683 Bytes] [3:44:06] Starts Audio correction ... [3:45:46] Audio Fixed successfully ! [C:\Documents and Settings\João Cunha\Os meus documentos\Os meus vídeos\Die Hard 4\Avi2dvd_temp\Fixed_Audio01.mp3 168334811 Bytes] [3:45:46] Starts Mp3->Ac3 convertion ... [3:45:48] Audio converted in Ac3 successfully ! [C:\Documents and Settings\João Cunha\Os meus documentos\Os meus vídeos\Die Hard 4\Avi2dvd_temp\AudioStream 1 MP3 2CH.ac3 -1 Bytes] [3:45:48] Job NOT Done. There are warnings ... Find at the log file the 0 byte generated file to focus where exactly the problem appears [3:45:48] All Jobs Done !!! After this the job stops. I think it stops at the audio converting. It says to look at the log but the only ones I have in the temp folder it's this one and this: Code: BeSplit v0.82 by DSPguru. -------------------------- Logging start : 11/18/07 , 03:44:10. -core( -input C:\DOCUME~1\JOOCUN~1\OSMEUS~1\OSMEUS~2\DIEHAR~1\AVI2DV~1\EXTRAC~1.MP3 -prefix C:\DOCUME~1\JOOCUN~1\OSMEUS~1\OSMEUS~2\DIEHAR~1\AVI2DV~1\Fixed_Audio -type mp3 -fix -logfile C:\DOCUME~1\JOOCUN~1\OSMEUS~1\OSMEUS~2\DIEHAR~1\AVI2DV~1\BeSplit.txt ) [00:00:00:000] +------- BeSplit ----- [00:00:00:000] | Input : C:\DOCUME~1\JOOCUN~1\OSMEUS~1\OSMEUS~2\DIEHAR~1\AVI2DV~1\EXTRAC~1.MP3 [00:00:00:000] | Output Prefix : C:\DOCUME~1\JOOCUN~1\OSMEUS~1\OSMEUS~2\DIEHAR~1\AVI2DV~1\Fixed_Audio [00:00:00:000] +--------------------- [02:03:24:042] | Writing C:\DOCUME~1\JOOCUN~1\OSMEUS~1\OSMEUS~2\DIEHAR~1\AVI2DV~1\Fixed_Audio01.mp3 [02:03:24:042] +--------------------- [02:03:24:042] Operation Completed ! [00:01:36:000] <-- Process Duration Logging ends : 11/18/07 , 03:45:46. Can anyone help me with this? I'd like to convert this because I'm tired to have to see all the movies on the PC when I can put them working on the living room DVD. Peace.
This program has problems with long path names and files with (what it considers) odd names. Place the input file in a folder on the desktop. Give the folder a simple name. Make the output path equally simple. Good luck!
will this work for the audiostream? When I set-up AVI2DVD using the same guide, but when i go to select audio stream there is nothing there. What am I doing wrong?
If it has problems with the name of the AVI or the path to where the AVI is located, then it will often fail to list the available audio streams contained in the AVI.
Try 'The Film Machine' instead. Opt to use 'Hcencoder' at step 2 for the video, if you don't want to download CCE. http://members.home.nl/thefilmmachine/
Put the AVI in your C:\ drive and give it a one word name (the easiest approach). AVI2DVD will also put it's output files there. I guess I've been lucky with AVI2DVD (using HCenc). I tried The Film Machine but found the audio output inferior.