Problems with burning... skipping

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by noelliam, Sep 5, 2004.

  1. noelliam

    noelliam Guest

    Hey guys, ok I'm new to the dvd+r field and I'm having some newbie problems. Ok I have a SOny Dvd+r DRU-540A burner and I use DVDshrink to rip the movie and Nero to burn it and I'm using Verbatimim dvd+r media. I play my dvd's on my SOny dvd player. The problem is this: SO far I've burned 4 dvd's and all of them skip at least once during the movie. 2 of them (kill bill 1 and 2) skip like a madman the last 2 chapters. They're unwatachable! Anyways I'm not sure whats wrong. I've tried burning at 4 X speed and the max speed. Nothing works. When I play them on my computer dvd player 1 of the movies worked but the kill bill movies and one of my concert dvd's of the band Travis still f'ed up the last 2 chapters. Couldn't watch it! What do you guys think is wrong?
  2. noelliam

    noelliam Guest

    btw the dvd player I'm watching these movies on is a SOny dvp-s56od model
  3. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Which version of Nero are you using? And have you ever played backups on your standalone player?
  4. noelliam

    noelliam Guest

    I'm using Nero 6 and if you mean by standalone player the dvd player I have hooked up to my tv abnd sound system (not my computer dvd player) it's a SOny dvp-s56od model and yes I have. It skips like I said
  5. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I know ... What version?

    Do you like repeating yourself ... I know. When I asked if you've ever played backups before ... I meant successfully.
  6. michigan

    michigan Guest

    The slowest you have burned is 4X?!
    Slow down fella The faster you burn the more prone you are to get those type of errors. I burn at a max of 2.4x and it works excellent. The end of the movie trouble sounds like you are pushing your burns to far to the edge of the disc.
    open Shrink
    At the top go to "properties"
    Find the area to set your target disc size.
    Select custom
    type in 4300
    close it out
    Now try your burn again with the burn rate set to a maximum of 2.4x

  7. noelliam

    noelliam Guest

    Thanks michigan!
  8. michigan

    michigan Guest

    Let me know how it turns out.
  9. noelliam

    noelliam Guest

    Michigan, I think that might have solved the problem. I just burnt the movie office space and it played perfectly. We'll see what happens. Hopefully this solved the problem!
  10. michigan

    michigan Guest

    Glad your burning good now.

    Come on back for a chat when you get a chance.

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