I have recently began to have problems with copying rw's to -r's. It would hang after about 85% complete. I then would have to end the program. Sometimes it would play on my dvd player but then eventually stop. This happens with nero's program as well as roxio's and now even with dvd xcopy (when I try to copy a movie).It worked last week. I have created many coasters. I have the memorex dvd+/- recorder and windows media center. I have tried memorex's dvd-r's. Any suggestions? Thanks
Hi Mark, If all your software gives you a hard time, you could try DVD Decrypter in ISO mode, first read, then write. This method should be very robust in making 1:1 copies. I'm not sure, but your problems might be due to copying "on the fly", i.e. without saving the content of the DVD to your hd first, which sometimes causes troubles. Or it might be a media problem - you could try some other DVDr brand. I've also heard that having Roxio and other burning tools on the same computer might give you troubles. Well, I hope you get your problem fixed!
HI mrdavis41, There seems to be a problem lately with Memorex -R blank media. It is made by CMC-MAG company which doesn't have a good record for producing quality blank media. I would try a known GOOD brand of media like Ritek and see if your problem goes away. Memorex +R media is made by Ricoh(Ritek). They are OK to use. Jerry
Thanks for the responses. I thought that it would be good to use memorex media since the recorder is also made by them but maybe I am wrong. I have ordered ritek blanks and will try them. I just thought it was odd since it had worked before without problems. I also did not have many problems before with xcopy but that has to be recorded on the fly. Normally I would first record to rw's then copy to r's which work in my car. Maybe I will try the iso mode first. BTW I did install anydvd. Does anyone think that could cause a problem? Thanks
Hi, Well I continued to have the problems so I went out and bought an external dvd drive and it worked effortlessly. The only problem is that I did not buy an extended warantee at Best Buy on my internal drive and they will not replace it. I did see a sale this weekend and will install an new internal drive. Did anyone else see such a problem. The drive reads without problems but burning to a -r disc is the problem.
Hi, the firmware update is definitely a good idea, make sure you have the newest one. Do you still have Roxio installed? You could also try this handy burning utility called ImgTool Burn, you'll get it for free here: http://users.evtek.fi/~samulib/SetupImgTool_1.1.1.exe It burns the DVD folders created with DVD Shrink or a similar program directly to the disc, it's really simple to use and in my opinion very reliable. Good luck with your burner, I'm sure you'll get it working!
Thanks for all of your help. I decided to call memorex and with their help I found out that my IDE controller was not DMA but was I think it is called IPO. He recommended changing out the IDE cable or disconnecting the cd drive. Actually when I placed the new dvd drive I think that the cable became a little frayed but I did not see any metallic areas. I saw that there are now round cables which take up less room.What do you all think?
Hi Mark, I was just wondering if your Memorex drive is the dual x1 model (black and silver front). If it is, it is actually a Pioneer 106D drive and can be converted to a True Pioneer drive with special firmware. I did mine and the improvement was fantastic. I haven't used the round cables but they are supposed to be for better air flow inside the case. Not sure if they make any difference in data transfer. Jerry
Jerry Yes it is black and silver on the front but it is a 4x,2.4x,12x drive for dvd's. Is that pioneer? I went ahead and replaced the cable an lo and behold it now says DMA so I think it will work. I will try it out. Thanks
Hi Mark, yes I think you have the same drive I have. If you download this little tool, it will tell you who made the drive and firmware version. I converted my drive to read as a true Pioneer, but only do this after the warranty is up. Doing so voids the warranty. You need 2 different firmware hacks to convert it. One to change it to pioneer,second one unlocks all the speeds and regions. This link is for the tool. http://www.dvdinfopro.com/ Jerry
Jerry, I downloaded the program and it says that it is a memorex dvd player. Do you mean I can change it to a pioneer. How would I go about doing that. Thanks Mark
On the second line under Memorex, does it say Pioneer and then a firmware version?? If so, yes it can be changed to a Pioneer drive. But once its done you can't go back to making it a Memorex again. Thus it voids any warranty. Here is the link for the conversion flash. http://www.fatwallet.com/redirect/b...D/OEM_Pioneer_DVR-106_UNIVERSAL_Flash_1.0.zip Jerry
Jerry, Yes now I see it. Will this improve the drive and make it faster? If so I will work on it this weekend. Thanks Mark
Hi Mark, the improvement on my drive was outstanding. It use to be locked at 2x rip speed. Rip time for my TEST movie before was 1hr 40 min. After the change the same move was 26min. Complete backup time for most dual layer movies(DVD9's) now is under 45 minutes. Single layer(DVD5's) about 20 to 30 minutes. It cut my times to about 1/3. I was a little worried about doing it but it wasn't that bad. Just read the text files in the downloads first. Good luck with it. I does make a big difference. Jerry Here is another good link to the firmware some reading. If the first conversion firmware doesn't unlock the rip speed, once it is a PIONEER drive there is another firmware that does the rest. http://pioneerdvd.rpc1.org/
Hi Jerry I did it. It is now a Pioneer DVR-106D drive with firmware 1.07. It is now time to test it this sometime this weekend. Thanks Mark
Hey Mark, Glad it worked for you too. I think you will be amazed at the difference. I sure don't regret it. Talk to you later. Jerry
Jerry, You were right. It is incredibly faster. How often are there firmware updates? Do I go to that site you sent me to fo those? Thanks again. Mark
Hi again Mark, Glad it works as mine did. I don't think you will need any more updates for quite a while. But you can check that site from time to time. I hope the next update will be the one to make it burn dual layer blanks. There seems to be 2 stories around. One says it will work the other says it won't. Guess we'll have to wait and see. Jerry