Problems with DVD-R??

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Frankgweb, Jan 19, 2004.

  1. Frankgweb

    Frankgweb Guest

    I cant burn my movies to my DVD-R blanks although I can burn data files to the DVD-R blanks just not movies. Is this something common with some disks??

    Do some blanks just not accept the dvd format?

    I've tried Sony DVD+RW and they work perfect!,,,but to darn expensive!!

    another note: the box is checked in in Recordnow that reconizes the video_TS folder. If I uncheck that box then I can burn the cd but wont play in any of my dvd players. Just plays on my computer, I imagine thats because its burning as a straight data file and not as a dvd video.

    sony drx-500ulx
    dvd shrink
    Recordnow DX
  2. #afonic

    #afonic Regular member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    No, all DVD+R blanks can be used as data DVDs or as DVD Video.
    There is a problem in your way. You have to create(in the DVD root) an AUDIO_TS folder that you will leave empty and (again in the root) a VIDEO_TS folder and put inside all the files DVD Shrink creates.
  3. Frankgweb

    Frankgweb Guest

    I have created the VIDEO_TS & AUDIO_TS but when I try burn any folder named that way , it wont work!,,,I can rename the folder to anything different and it will burn it (but only as a data file)....for some reason those folder names stops RecordNow from burning.

    I dont have this problem using sony great everytime!...

    any Ideas?
  4. bhyde

    bhyde Member

    Jan 14, 2004
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    I, like you have had no problems with Tevion DVD+R`s (from ALDI) but got no end of discs not being recognised when I tried some DVD-R`s from e-buyer, a lot of people have posted that media quality is really variable (pioneer DVR 106D)
  5. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    What are your exact problems you are experiencing with Recordnow?

    What media are you using?

    The recognise VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS HAS to be checked in order to burn a dvd video compliant dvd as you stated.

    Have you got TRACK AT ONCE CLOSED selected in the options window?

    Have you got New volume inserted in the multisession box?

    Check out my guide at

    It is step by step walkthrough and includes the above options and should yield good results.......

    Hope it helps......let me know if you have any q's
  6. Frankgweb

    Frankgweb Guest

    {The recognise VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS HAS to be checked in order to burn a dvd video compliant dvd as you stated. } [bold]I do have this option checked[/bold]

    The media im using is verbatim dvd-r & verbatim dvd+r, and I've tried an off brand from ebay.

    I've selected TRACK AT ONCE CLOSED and New volume inserted in the multisession box

    The error message from recordnow I get is: error -9 sector 304

    note...I can burn everything else to these disks except folders with the name video_ts....any other ideas??
  7. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    hmmmmmmm....It's not the Plextor 708 is it?

    What burner have you got and what pxengine version are you running from?

    To check the version, goto the help tab in the program and click on about.

    Have a look at the build number, the pxengine version number is after the decimal point......

    The latest version is 507, this may help if you have an older version.

    Goto and click on the pxengine at the foot of the page to upload.......

    Let me know if this helps.......
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Beware of the Pixies - they move in over night and turn your life upside down

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    Last edited: Jan 20, 2004
  8. Frankgweb

    Frankgweb Guest

    No its not a plextor im using:
    sony drx-500ulx burner running latest firmware 2.0
    dvd shrink
    Recordnow DX

    in Recordnow when I add my folder VIDEO_TS to burn I notice that the name is red. Any other folder is black.

    again: I can burn data files to the media just not dvd movies....strange as heck!!
  9. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Another member had the exact same problem.....check out

    It appears that Recordnow is not recognising the folder to be burned as a dvd video compliant structure.

    IE - the folder that Dvd Shrink has produced....

    He basically migrated to Nero which solved the problem......

    However, there is a compatibilty problem sometimes between Dvd Shrink structured files and Recordnow's ability to recognise them as a compliant dvd video.

    I don't know which version this has happened in though.

    I use Dvd2one to create my VIDEO_TS folder and have no issues using Recordnow DX.

    It may also be that you have not got ALL the correct files present.
    Worth checking as you haven't mentioned what files are present in the VIDEO_TS folder.
    They should be similar to the following:(MOVIE ONLY)


    If you have done a full disc though, you will have several more VTS files and a VIDEO_TS.vob aswell as the above.

    If your files ARE correct, then you could try the following:

    1. Run the VIDEO_TS folder through Dvd Shrink again (shouldn't take long) and retry the burn.

    2. Run it through Ifoedit and compile a new structure.

    However, most people just use 2 or 3 programs to backup their dvd's:
    So the above, will probably seem a long way round to produce a dvd.......

    It may just come down to the fact that you may be better off using a different burning program (upsetting me.....Boo Hoo).

    Hope this helps.......and good luck........let us know how it pans out.......
  10. Frankgweb

    Frankgweb Guest

    baabaa, I read the post you are referring to and it defiently is the same problem i'm having, guess who's getting Nero tonight:)...i'll keep you updated

    but the strage thing is that this would not be a problem if I were to use SONY DVD+RW media...maybe that media has some sort of special formating already on it...where my other cheaper disks dont??....just something else to add to this wried problem.

    thanks alot!
  11. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Hee Hee......dam this Recordnow bug.......

    I am interested in the problem, however I cannot experience it as mine runs fine :-(
    (although mine is a Pioneer106 internal)

    Yep, certainly is weird.....specially as you say that the +rw works fine...

    If it is feasible, it may well be worth trying a higher quality r disc.....

    I can't actually find your burner in their supported hardware list?????????????

    Keep us posted, cos I think this thread and the mentioned one above may become a good reference to other members (specially if they encounter the same problem)......

    If I get any other pointers I shall post, but it looks like Nero shall do the job.

    Hope you get it sorted......
  12. Frankgweb

    Frankgweb Guest

    Well, Nero didn't work :( had the same exact problem, when trying to create a DVD-VIDEO it failed, but fine for burning data. Hmmmm must be my media, since the Sony DVD+RW works. The media im using now is DVD-R, I've also tried +R, same problem...what other media or ideas could I try? Thanks
  13. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Man, thats strange.....

    What media are/have you been using?

    Must admit, it seems like everything is pointing to the media.......but still has me a wee bit bamboozled...

    My experience is little to none where Nero is concerned as I do not use maybe someone could jump in hear to give you some setup pointers to make sure you are preset OK.......

  14. cretin

    cretin Member

    Jan 15, 2004
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    Hi I'm very new to this but did have probs with dvd shrink 3.1
    Config is xp2000,512ram,AldiDVDWriter(Poineer106d)
    ripped fine then locked at 3% using nero, only way around was to select target as a folder on hdd then use nero to burn it manually later using DVDvideo wizard(nero option).

    if this does not help sorry this is my first posting.
  15. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    No need for apologies, all the help regarding Nero will be gratefully received (I am sure Frankgweb will appreciate any input here).....

    To be honest everything is pointing at the media, but the Recordnow issue is definately related to a VIDEO_TS folder that it cannot properly format as a dvd video....

    But it is still strange that Nero won't do it either.....

    The more users here that can contirbute, the better....

    I wrote a guide for Version 5 of Nero at maybe there is something there?

    C'mon Nero users, what do you think?

    Ripped and compressed etc with Dvd Shrink.
    Folder on HD as VIDEO_TS, what methods can be used in Nero............?

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Beware of the Pixies - they move in over night and turn your life upside down

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    Last edited: Jan 23, 2004
  16. Frankgweb

    Frankgweb Guest

    The problem ended up being that the media I was using was not compatible...I'm now using TDK DVD+R and I have to use nero with it...perfect so far!....recordnow wont work with that media either...

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