Problems with DVD2One and DVD Shrink!!!!!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Homerson, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. Homerson

    Homerson Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    Can anyone please help!!!!!

    I am trying to back up a film of mine but I am having problems with both DVD2One and DVD Shrink. The file size is 7.32GB. DVD2One works up to 66% and then kicks up an error message saying that the program has experienced an error and needs to close only copying a few of the files. I have tried using DVD Shrink but there is nothing that I can loose to fit this film onto a single disk. The film itself is 3:39:24 long and has a file sixe of 5234MB. I have tried to adjust the compression settings manually but the slider is already as far to the left as it can go without me touching it, for some reason I cannot compress any of the files further. I have already had success with both DVD2One and DVD Shrink with other films but I do not know what to try next (maybe DVD Rebuilder although I am a novice at this backing up process. Maybe another program I just don't know. One more question of many before I depart for my bed. Has anyone had a problem compressing files with DVD2One only to find that the film you have compressed is still a little to big to fit onto a single disk. I thought that the whole idea with DVD2One was that it already has the size of the disk in question in mind before it starts compressing so how can the end result be bigger than the disk you need to write to. This message is probably the longest one on record but if there is anyone out there that has some answers to my questions I would be very grateful if you could get in touch.

  2. deadcat

    deadcat Regular member

    Apr 12, 2004
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    Use DVD Shrink re-author function to rip only the main movie
    Remove any un needed soundtracks/subtitles
    Remove the start and end credits
    Back up using deep analysis and smooth function available in new version
    If still too big, save to hard drive then reopen the smaller file using shrinks open file function and back up again
  3. gorangel

    gorangel Guest

    What movie are you trying to back up?
  4. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    you could also try to substitute a still image for all the extras(at once) and thereby retain a working menu, (if you reauthor, no menu)
  5. gorangel

    gorangel Guest

    First rip the dvd to you hard disk wit decrypter.
    Then follow deadcat´s advice. If you don´t want to use shrink , try elby clonedvd2 or dvdremake .
    If quality is an issue and you have a lot of time you can try this:
    1-rip with decrypter
    2-remove unwanted soundtracks with shrink (no compression)
    3-Remove extras with dvd remake (no compression)
    4-recode dvd with dvd rebuilder/CCE

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