I just purchase DVDRemake after hearing such great news about it. Anyway, I can't get it to export dvd content that WINDVD or PowerDVD will recoginize. Both players won't play it and they tell me that either "there is no dvd content in the folder" or the "there is an error in the playback". I'm trying to strip Passion of the Christ - stripping 1 angle and some extras. When I export and go to test it to see if it will play, i get the errors above. So, i tried importing the movie again, this time I don't touch it.,... I don't do anytthing to it and then try to export it to see if that would work (so then I would know that I'm not doing anything wrong), however, I get the same error messages. Does anybody have any idea what's going on and why I can't export my dvds properly? Any help would be grealty appreciated. Thx
lexsteele...are you still having a problem with this? I think you may be editing out First Play. Just try sending a non-angle movie through Remake without any edits and see if it will play.
Hi Doc409, I think lexsteele was trying to play files that weren't in a VIDEO_TS folder due to DRM outputting files only but it's resolved now I guess a good feature in DRM would be a AUDIO/VIDEO folder output