hello Im having trouble when i burn some movies with imgburn. The movies come out black and white on my tv screen. I convert the avi files with convertxtodvd and everything is fine. I even check the converted file with vlc player and its still fine and in color. when i burn the file it goes to black and white on my tv. When i put the movie in my computer dvd drive its in color. Does anyone know why it comes out black and white on my tv? ive ruined several disks already. thanks for any help. Edit: well i just tried to burn the converted avi with convertxtodvd and it did the same thing. so maybe its the video? but it plays fine on my computer. Do yall know what it could be?
You may have a PAL video trying to play on an NTSC player (or vice-versa) In ConvertX, 'Settings', 'TV format', force it as NTSC (North America) or PAL (EU and Australasia)
ok i changed the settings to NTSC in convertxtodvd. so now when i convert my avi's to dvd they all will be able to play on my dvd player now? thanks