Hi everybody...I'm new here and b4 I get started, keep in mind that I'm a novice, so explain eveything to me like I don't know what your talking about...lol. I bought the LH-20A1P Lite-On burner back in Feb and everything was going good..cds, dvds everything was moving like poetry in motion until this past weds when everything just quit. The drive will spin and it'll act like it wants to burn/read but nothing happens...get the same annoying error. I'm using Elby's clonedvd2, dvdshrink, dvd decrypter, and Itunes for my music. I've updated the firmware and can confirm that, changed the drive cables back and forth, and still nothing. Looked into BIOS, but got scared (lol) that I would change the wrong thing. I don't want to send it back if I don't have to. Please please help a girl out.
you might do a system restore to the day before you started having troubles, it just might work, good luck