ok so i bought an m3 simply in tokyo a couple days ago ( im in the military and i am stationed here) i did everything that says on the guide, format the micro sd, download the latest firmware, make a folder for games and then put games in it etc. but the problem is, when i try to load the m3 simply on my ds, it hust says on the top, evolution for play and then there is something in japanese with like three exclamation mark. can anyone please help?? i will try to put pics of it up here or a video on youtube perhaps. thanks
Most likly problem is your trying to use the English firmware on a Japanese or Chinese unit, you need to either download the appropriate firmware for your M3, or you can patch the English firmware to work with the Chinese/Japanese unit.
Download the patching software here: http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?t=66860 Read the readme.
ok bro so i unzipped it it say on read me put the _ds_menu.dat on the same folder as the patch .exe and answer the questions. but it doesnt have any questions it says type a file name.
nice!!!! it finally worked. i loaded up princess peach and its says game loading for a long ass time but its all good ill keep waiting. thanks a bunch bro!!
one more prob bro. i tried loading a game up and it says game loading and then it doesnt do anything else. i got my backup from 1rom.net i dunno if the rom is defected or wut