I am haveing problems with my nds emulator(No$GBA) It is like I can not see the battle when you first start battle anyone know how to fix this??????
I just tested it with the newest version (2.4E) and it doesn't work either... Try some other emulator's or wait 'till the next no$gba...
Try iDesS 1.017 and go to properties and select OpenGL Plugin. And UNcheck the block that says "Use Z-buffer instead W-buffer". The emulators a little glichy and you may need to change a few options.
THANKS a lot dude now that you showed me where the emulaotr was,can you tell what I need for it to work and where to get the game from. P.S It says OpenGL Plugin but it does not say "Use Z-buffer instead W-buffer". Can you tell me what to do now
You just need the emu and the ROM, default settings worked fine for me. Get the game from: 1ROM.net Frozen-ROMs.net Emuwizards.com ds.rom-news.org DGemu.com Cheers.
yeah,but I can not touch the screen when he says"hurry up and touch the train" and the game goes very slow.
Odd, I've never had a problem with the touch screen... You know you click the bottom screen, right..? For the speed, try using frame skip.
okay, I got it to work now I am haveing problem it keeps on skiping/gilch everytime I enter a cut scene.