Hi lad`s i seem to be havin a few probs with my pc so if anyone could help me out it would be great. First thing is my computer wont shut down or restart by itself i have to switch off the power and i dont think i should do that too often. Seacond thing is some programs just crash for no reason most are fine just some, like i dl the new divx bundle just there and hit install and it crashed. so at this stage something must be up. As i said any help would be great lads all help is good help cheers
Right, lets get some specifications from you? What CPU is installed? How much memory is installed? What motherboard are you using? What Operating system are you using - XP, ME etc? What size of hard drives etc? Does your PC startup fine, irrespective of problem, or has it slowed up alot?
Its a compaq presario I run on xp motherboard aint got a clue been honest about it. 120gb hd 256mb ram Ya it starts up fine no probs there.
It's a tool that checks your hard drive for errors and trys to fix them, Go into My Computer then right click the hdd icon then properties, then tools and you will see it. (it's the top one that says error checking)
have you scaned for virus/spyware? and what do u mean it wont shut down by its self? you mean the power buton wont work? or you click the shut down button in windows and it just dosent shut down?