hi machine AMD 2800, 512mb, pioneer 106d (108)firmware, dvd xcopy, maxell memorex eworks medias, nero ultra most recent. problem installed Golden Hawk cdrwin and after i installed it, my pioneer 106d stopped reading my old dvd back ups. DRive read everything before the install. i updated drive, nero still wont read. unistalled cdrwin and unistalled. Burner is workin disc read in other dvd drives, home dvd-players,etc. tried drive in other pc's still no read. Data also stopped reading aswell. Every now and then a disc will read after burn. also vcd will not read as well. Could it be a dead drive?
Did you just do any firmware updates to the 106 before it went dead? At first I thought your problem had to do with the install of the other drive, but if the 106 won't work in another PC it sounds like it has a problem. Jerry
i only started to mess with the drive after i had installed cdrwin and found out that my drive was messed.
I checked out Golden Hawk's software site, it says the 106 is supported with CDRWIN. Was the software on disc or a download? If a download, maybe the files were corrupt. Just guessing here, I can't see why software would kill the drive if you put it in another PC. Maybe a conflict between Nero and Cdrwin. Uninstall both, reboot, use a reg cleaner if you have one, then reinstall Nero. See if that helps. Remome the drive and reinstall too. Jerry