My college requires that I upgrade to SP2 and I have noticed that it is causing problems with my DVD Drive. I can open CD's and normal DVD's, but I cannot view anything that I have recorded on a DVD-R and I cannot record to a DVD-R. I have tried uninstalling SP2 and reinstalling, seeing if the drive had any updated drivers and even tried installing all the updates for Nero 6 Ultra Edition. I'm curious to know if anyone else is having this problem or if anyone knows how I can resolve this problem. Thanks alot.
I have the same drive and had no problem burning or viewing. I am using the same version of Nero. I did however, have many other problems with XP SP2 and have since uninstalled it. This was on an eMachines 6807 laptop. If your college is pushing the upgrade, I would suggest lobbying for them to rethink the decision. My college is encouraging students not to install it, and they provide XP to us as part of our tech supplies.
CAme across this by accident but. get a new bios for your emachine and SP2 will no longer be a issue. It worked on my m6807