Problems with RW

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by StanH1000, May 24, 2004.

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  1. StanH1000

    StanH1000 Regular member

    May 19, 2004
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    Bought 5 pack of TDK-RW media and have failed to get a successful outcome. 1st disk only formatted to 2GB and shortly thereafter became totally unusable (not recognized by my TDK 440N burner, or my Pioneer ROM player). 2nd RW disk formatted to the 4GB disk capacity, but when I burned 3.8 GB movie (using Roxio Drag to Disk), it took a very long time and the movie would not play (although Power DVD did open automatically). Using "View disk contents" appeared to show all movie VOB files etc. but when I tried to do the same using "My Computer", the disk was either not recognized at all , or only 2.8 GB capacity seen.
    Howver, absolutely No probs using DVD-R media at all! Ritek, Fugi, even cheap stuff from CompUSA. No coasters using -R.
    Is this a media problem, a burner problem, user problem or what?
    TDK 440N burner firmware updated to 1.0A previously. Please help before I ruin the entire RW pack!
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