problems with Sony DRU-700A

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by deadhed95, Aug 29, 2004.

  1. deadhed95

    deadhed95 Guest

    about a month ago I purchased the Sony DRU-700A, and since then I have backed up about 50 movies without any problems. I use DVD Decrypter to rip the movie, then DVD Shrink to encode, then I use Nero Smart Start, and burn the files. Yesterday, when trying to back up one of my Family Guy seasons, I did the same thing I always do, and the burn was successful. However, when I put the dvd into my dvd player, it wouldn't play it for some reason. Then I put the disk into my dvd drive, and I clicked on My Coomputer. When I went in, the DVD Drive had changed from DVD-RW Drive to CD-Drive, and it wouldn't detect my disk. Then I tried to rip it again with dvd Decrypter, but decrypter couldn't detect the disk either. For some reason the disk will play in Nero Showtime even though it doesn't say there is a dvd disk when looking at the drive in My Computer. The only thing I could think of that could be wrong was that I upgraded my firmware or whatever to the latest version, but the problems were occuring before then as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am using just blank generic DVD+R, and I have a P4 2.4 ghz processor, with 640mb of DDR RAM. Again, thanks in advance for any help.
  2. john179

    john179 Active member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    It sound a bit like faulty media to me.I have had the same problem witha batch of media.Every time i backed up a film in would play in my stand alone dvd player ok.But when i put it back in my dvd drive it came up cd and when i tried to browse the disc it would not allow me.I got hold of some more media and all these worked fine.I would suggest you get another batch of media and try this before doing anything else.
  3. deadhed95

    deadhed95 Guest

    alright I'll try that out...thank you very much.
  4. john179

    john179 Active member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    No Problem


  5. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Using better media will certainly help in the long run but you need to get your drive recognized first. I'd suggest uninstalling the drive through Device manager and see if that doesn't help things. Here's how,

    Go to Device Manager >

    Expand the tree for DVD/CD ROM Drives >

    Find the drive in question, right click it and go to Properties >

    Under the Driver tab, select Uninstall then OK.

    Now reboot and Windows should detect and reinstall the drive.

    Let us know if this helps :)

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