Problems writing to CD-R using Liteon DVDRW SOHW - 812S

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by bonalymac, May 19, 2004.

  1. bonalymac

    bonalymac Guest

    I've just bought my first DVD RW drive, and I've successfully written several DVD's.

    Today I tried to burn a CD-R, and Nero 6.3 tells me I can't write to this sort of media, I need to insert a DVD.

    The Liteon spec confirms the drive will write to CD. I've checked Liteon drivers/firmware. Nero website says the drive is supported I've downlaoded the latest database of supported drives in case.

    Now I'm stuck.

    I've searched this forum, and read the first few pages but can't find a solution.

    Can anyone help please.


  2. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    what's your setup? How many optical drives? But that is weird your able to sucessfully write dvd's and not cd's. Are your ide settings set to dma?
  3. bonalymac

    bonalymac Guest

    I've got two drives, a DVD Rom & the DVD RW. I replaced my CD RW with the DVD RW.

    However, I am possibly getting soemwhere.

    I was trying to burn an img file, which is (nominally at least) greater than the capacity of a CD.

    I haven't tried to burn a "normal" CD yet, to see if this is really the issue. Nor have I found out yet how to force the file to fit on to a CD. I know I could do this before with my CD RW, but I may have to play with settings on the software with the DVD RW.

    Needs a bit more investigation.

  4. Fir3storm

    Fir3storm Member

    May 17, 2004
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    when you load nero up it gives you an option to choose between DVD an CD have you made sure that you are choosing cd media rather than DVD?

    if you are trying to burn an image file, the use ALCOHOL 120%, it is a LOT better than nero when it comes to burning image files
    Last edited: May 23, 2004
  5. bonalymac

    bonalymac Guest


    You were spot on. Alcohol 120 burned it like a dream, all in under 3 minutes as well.


  6. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Just be sure when your burning to cd-r to choose cd-rom(ISO)using Nero 6.x (data). Also upgrade to latest firmware (if applicable).

    The firmware page:

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