Probobly a Stupid Question but.....

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by coolGray, May 7, 2006.

  1. coolGray

    coolGray Regular member

    Mar 5, 2006
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    Hey guys,

    I was messin' around with my iPod today and i went into the settings and decided to click on the "Main Menu" setting. In there i saw the usual-photos: on video: on and so forth so forth and so forth. Then, towards the bottom i say a line that read "Radio:eek:n" can someone explain this to me? It might be for poeple who have that FM radio plug-in but i wasnt sure. It also says its on but i dont see it on my main menu. O well, hopefully this wasnt a n00b question lol.

  2. theoipod

    theoipod Guest

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