Ok here is my prob. I have a copy of something that i need to copy disk one of.I am told to use alchol 120 to do this with.My prob is that i cant seem to figure it out on how to do it I know about the browse thing but the disk one has a bunch of files and it only lets you pick one and i need them all.I need to copy this disk one with safe something and it is a mirror copy of anouther disk one I tried to drag the files onto the alchol but it said unsapported and wouldnt do anything my email is noemailsallowed@afterdawn.com If this is something you dont want to put down on the forum but i need help this is a game disk on my harddrive
No posting email addies - forum rules. So for some reason the Image making Wizard isn't working out? What format are the files in?
sorry about that abby thing I just didnt know for sure if you could post a responcee to it. Here is what i have done. I got the game in rar form i unrared it and that gave me a file that looks just like if you explored a cd. so i have all these files and I realy dont know what to do with them and i dont know how to get alchol to make a image I dosnt give me the option to go to a file when i try to use image makeing wizard and image burning doesnt do any thing.THe only options alchol sims to give me are for copying just from a disk not from a file to a disk ?what am i doing wrong?
if you unrared your file and you see files that look just like an open cd in windows explorer, your laughing. Use your favorite burning softy (eg. nero) and add all of these files to your new disc(or your newly created image)and burn 8x or less. Also, files in rar usually, but not always have an .nfo file or instructions, or read.me. Open these in notepad and read them. good luck post back
sorry, I almost forgot, that burning image wizard only works when your actually dealing with an IMAGE file. And depending on what software made that image file you'll see different file extensions. However, most images can be viewed with 'winiso' What you got in your rar file is an extracted image file, which is easily rared for net transfer, since its already been extracted copy all the files on a disc