ive been trying to playback some .avi files and wut happens say i just open up the folder the file is in and my cpu goes up to 80-100% even if its the only file in the folder, if i try to play cpu 100% if i run gspot <mean whille 100% cpu usage> it says i have the codecs but cant render, to delete the file i have to close exploerer.exe and go thru dos.i searched and got and older divx codec instead of the new to no avail, tried videolan player<suggested>, it seems to be only divx,xvid avi's. windows xp,2.8 p4,1.5g ram,x800vid card. help!! at 1st thought it was a virus but its happen so often i think not.remeber even before i open the file, if i open the folder cpu goes to 100%!! thx in advance.
do u mean go view and choose something other than thumbnails view, if so im only using details view. ? thx
Changing the view doesn't disable it. Do a search for info, because it is a very common and well know problem. The bug is that when you open the folder, the plugin tries to read the entire file. Sometimes this results in explorer crashing, the file being locked (can't delete) or as in this case (if it is the problem) eating up a whole lot of CPU as it tries to read the file.
do u mean somthing like this? >If you want disable the Explorer's ability to show the Thumbnail View ,Start Regedit Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced \ Change ClassicViewState to 1 <. i can find shell extention removers but that only seems to apply to new programs.perhaps this is wut i need > http://www.snapfiles.com/get/optforexplorer.html < but seems alittle overboard with extras, or do u mean that the issue could be from any shell ext.? i'll try going through each one,but i'll have to wait until i come across another problem file. i'll use this http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/shexview.html. What do u think? thx
well i have come across a similar file. now i have yet to figure which ext is causing it but when i disable all 200+ of them i dont get the problem >100%cpu< ,/but i cant play the file in anything, or cant run it in gspot, but ive talk to some ppl and they have the same file which work for them.<same size,and stuff>.ANY HELP PLEASE, btw if u know which ext is the cause i'd apprecaite it,<wut it would be called.> ty.
ALRIGHTY!!! this is the one that caused the problem>Avi Properties Handler System Media File Property Extractor Shell Extension 6.00.2800.1125 (xpsp2.020921-0842) C:\WINDOWS\System32\shmedia.dll {87D62D94-71B3-4b9a-9489-5FE6850DC73E} 125,440 ,note there are 2 shmedia.dll's but this is the culprit!! now theres no 100% cpu usage when i open folder, or open file! YAY! but now im thinking the file is corrupted, b/c it wont play in any player...even with new codec pack. as well gspot just freezes when thats used. but it seem o be with the xvid file(or so they say) and plenty of users have them so i dunno..for instance in divx player it loads and show the length but wont play,and there no error message. and ideas thx.