Program to Fool DVD X copy

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by LiquidNeo, Sep 10, 2004.

  1. LiquidNeo

    LiquidNeo Guest

    Hey guys I am new to dvd burning on DVD+R/-R. I was pretty good at ripping dvd`s and burning them onto CD-R`s by encoding the video an spliting it onto two CD-R`s. So I am not a total noob lol. Anyway I wanted to know is there a program that can fool DVD X Copy into thinking I have the original dvd? I have programs that I recently found that block out the dvd back up logo but is that what is blocking me from making a copy of a copy example I copy a dvd movie and I want to make more copies of that copy I made. I already have copies of dvd`s and would like to make more copies of the copy i have. It won`t allow me unless i have the original of course is there away or a program that can make dvd X copy think it is the original dvd. So I can continue to make copies of it? Any help you can give me I would really appreciate thanks.
  2. Navig8r

    Navig8r Regular member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    Welcome LiquidNeo

    Why not just use DVD Shrink....its free and works great
  3. ispy

    ispy Regular member

    Jan 5, 2004
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    No problem,you can make copies of copies with Nero Recode 2,you can even specify how many further copies you want!
  4. LiquidNeo

    LiquidNeo Guest

    Hey guys as i was waiting for a reply and someone has already stated you can use nero to make additional copies. Thanks for your help guys wow that was so simple with nero to. Man I remember before dvd writers copying dvds was a challenge. Now it is so simple. :)
  5. pcola001

    pcola001 Member

    Jul 18, 2004
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    Navig8r was right use DVD shrink I also have dvd x copy w/ripper doesnt matter how many copies you make you still cant make copies off copies. The logo backup is problem.Hangs But if you can send it to hard drive first then make copy you can make copies of that. but not w dvd X copy. Use Dvd Shrink right off this web site it is free. Best copier out there
    Made more than 100+ and can make copy's off of. Shrink is the absolute best to dvd try it if you dont like it you can always uninstall Plus you can actually watch the dvd as it performs and you can take out parts you dont want.
  6. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    You guys are doing it the hard way. Once a copy is made, it has no encryption on it. It is a Plain Jane disc. Use any disc copy program you have. No need for X copy again or Shrink. Pop in the disc you want to copy, open something like Nero or Roxio, click copy complete disc. Thats all you need to do. Later guys.

  7. LiquidNeo

    LiquidNeo Guest

    Whats a jane disc? If try to copy a dvd using just nero can I make a copy of the dvd on two dvd+r`s and same quality like I do with dvd x copy? Because I don`t want it to decompress the video at all and burn on one disc. I want all the bonus and same quality.
  8. Jetster

    Jetster Regular member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    If it fits you don't have to. Your post is kinda
    confusing. If you want a copy thats not encrypted
    just copy it with Nero.
    If its encrypted and to big use DVDShrink,
    or DVD Decrypter if its the right size and

    O and Plane Jane is slang for run-of-the-mill / average / boreing /so on

    Amd 1200, ATI All in wonder 8500 DV
    383 133 ram
    80 GB HD
    Windows ME
    Memorex 8X DVD Dual format[/small]
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2004
  9. pcola001

    pcola001 Member

    Jul 18, 2004
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    It doesnt matter if you use dvd-r or -w as long as you have a player that plays -w. If you use just nero
    as long as the dvd is not encrypted you can make copy
    Good-luck. X-copy W/ripper will make copy but unless you can copy to hard drive you cannot make copies of copy. Test- make copy of Dvd using X-copy then try making copy of copy. Then use DVD-shrink send it to hard drive and then copy it. Then make copy of it. It will play on any dvd player. On shrink you get the same quality. I have both and the shrink actually works better than the expensive X-copy I have about 48 dvds I had to re-do because of X-copy
  10. ispy

    ispy Regular member

    Jan 5, 2004
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    With Nero Recode 2 you can recopy discs burnt with any 321 products,it dosn,t matter if they have the warning screen or not! As Jerry says there is no need to recompress,as its already to 4.7gb or below.

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