I have a ton of songs, I had to do a file recovery, so all the mp3s are file1 file2 file3 etc, But when i hover over the songs, it says the name etc, So wondering if theres a program that can scan the mp3s and rename each as what song it its? I have "ALOT" so i am not gonna rename each one, one at a time lol. I dont use Itunes or even have anything apple. Thanks guys
I've used this for a group of files that got renamed 1,2,3 etc. Note that on Windows7 I run it as Administrator, else it doesn't close gracefully. I only had to use it onetime, so can't say if it would work for your situation. http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/the-itunesgodfather-from-organized-crime-to-organized-music-windows/