I recently encountered a problem were after I start up my computer it allows me to open program immediately, but after I close that program and try to open another one it wont open. Eventually after about 30-45 minutes every program I tried to open all open at once. Any help would be much appreciated
press ctrl alt delete and look at the procceses that are running. there is probably a program running that is using all of you cpu and ram.if there is then end the process if you can run a virus check and see if you are infected with any thing. and if you are, you should go to the windows virus section for more help
im going to agree with krj5489 it sounds like some kind of spyware/virus or a poorly programed application
how much ram do u have if u have little ram and you launch an application that is a ram eater then this would slow u down like so, but id have to agree with every one els it may be a virus/spywair. how much ram do you have and what are you launching ???