Projectx ongelmia

Discussion in 'Muuta keskustelua kotiteatterista' started by tarzan, Oct 4, 2006.

  1. tarzan

    tarzan Member

    Apr 3, 2002
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    Ote logista:
    -> Input File 0: 'L:\Handan\36.hav' (1 264 009 816 bytes)
    -> Filetype is TS (generic PES Container)
    -> demux
    -> no PMT found (at a short scan)
    !> missing sync. byte @ 66728668
    !> found sync. byte @ 66729136
    ok> PID 0x261 has PES-ID 0xC0 (MPEG Audio) (66732708 #20)
    ok> PID 0x361 has PES-ID 0xBD (private stream 1) (TTX) (66735340 #34)
    !> missing sync. byte @ 66761660
    !> found sync. byte @ 66762360
    .Tästä välistä puuttuu paljon tekstiä.
    -> add frames
    -> Audio PTS: first packet 02:43:45.266, last packet 03:30:43.082
    -> Video PTS: start 1.GOP 02:43:51.503, end last GOP 03:30:37.983
    -> adjusting audio at video-timeline
    -> src_audio: MPEG-1, Layer2, 48000Hz, stereo, 224kbps, CRC @ 00:00:00.000
    audio frames: wri-pre-skip-ins-add 94912-0-0-4599-0 @ 00:37:57.888 done...
    ---> new File: 'L:\Handan\36.mp2'

    +> Teletext: PID 0x0361 / PesID 0xBD / SubID 0x10 :

    summary of created media files:
    .Video (m2v): 56947 Frames 00:37:57.880 'L:\Handan\36.m2v'
    Audio 0 (mp2): 94912 Frames 00:37:57.888 0-0-4599-0 'L:\Handan\36.mp2'
    => 855 441 806 bytes written...
    -> we have 121553 warnings/errors.

    Lopputulos on erittäin surkea. Oikeastaan katselukelvoton.
    Olen aikasemminkin testaillut tätä ohjelmaa, mutta samoin tuloksin. Ajattelin jos tässä uudessa betassa olisi saaneet ongelmat korjatuksi, mutta ei.

    Onkohan tähän ongelmaan ratkaisua?
  2. Spotteri

    Spotteri Regular member

    Jan 15, 2004
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    kyseinen ohjelma kuuluu sarjaan, josta ei kannata käyttää sitä viimesintä uutta. Itsekin joutunu monesti ruuvaamaan versionumeroa aikasempaan
  3. arskaxx

    arskaxx Active member

    Jul 14, 2004
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    Onhan sinulla ProjectX:n asetuksissa rasti kohdassa "TS:Handan file format adaption"
  4. tarzan

    tarzan Member

    Apr 3, 2002
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    Minkä version olet havainnut toimivaksi jos kokeilis sitä?
  5. tarzan

    tarzan Member

    Apr 3, 2002
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    hm... Tuo arskaxx:n viesti näköjään meni jotenkin ohi aikasemmin.
    Ei taida olla jos se ei oletuksena ole. Tein suoraan ton tutoriaalin mukaan sen enempää miettimättä. Pitää tarkistaa.
  6. tarzan

    tarzan Member

    Apr 3, 2002
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    Ei ollut valittuna, mutta eipä sillä ollut mitään vaikutusta. :(
    Tossa on logi siitä mitä se nyt teki jos sieltä joku tarkkasilmäinen keksisi syyn. :)

    compiled by OoZooN with JDK 1.5.0_04

    <<< session infos >>>

    6. lokakuuta 2006 17:07:52 EEST
    ProjectX (19.08.2006)

    -> working with collection 0

    -> save normal log file
    -> write all video data
    -> write all other data
    -> patch c.d.flagged infos of pictures
    -> add sequence end code
    -> set resolution in SDE
    -> PVA: strictly specs. for audio streams
    -> VOB: determine diff. Cell timelines
    -> TS: ignore scrambled packets
    -> TS: enhanced search for open packets
    -> TS: join file segments (of Dreambox®)
    -> TS: Handan® file format adaption
    -> TS: generate PMT stream dependent
    -> get only enclosed PES/TS packets
    -> concatenate different recordings
    -> ensure 1st PES-packet start with video
    -> generate PCR/SCR from PTS

    -> write output files to: 'L:\Handan'
    -> 2 cutpoint(s) defined ( (0) use BytePos. for cuts )

    -> Input File 0: 'L:\Handan\36.hav' (1 264 009 816 bytes)
    -> Filetype is TS (generic PES Container)
    -> demux
    -> no PMT found (at a short scan)
    !> missing sync. byte @ 0
    !> found sync. byte @ 2780
    ok> PID 0x361 has PES-ID 0xBD (private stream 1) (TTX) (6728 #22)
    ok> PID 0x161 has PES-ID 0xE0 (MPEG Video) (8608 #32)
    ok> PID 0x261 has PES-ID 0xC0 (MPEG Audio) (9736 #38)
    !> missing sync. byte @ 35304
    !> found sync. byte @ 36004
    !> PID 0x161 -> packet 175 @ pos. 36192 out of sequence (8/7) (shifting..) (~00:00:00.000)
    !> missing sync. byte @ 68528
    !> found sync. byte @ 69228
    !> PID 0x161 -> packet 347 @ pos. 69228 out of sequence (15/14) (shifting..) (~00:00:00.000)
    !> missing sync. byte @ 101940
    !> found sync. byte @ 102640
    !> PID 0x261 -> packet 542 @ pos. 106588 out of sequence (9/8) (shifting..) (~00:00:00.000)
    !> packet writing: length index out of bounds, shortened.. (261 / c0 / c0 / 11 -- 552 / 14 / 722) @ PTS 02:41:24.314
    !> missing sync. byte @ 135164
    !> found sync. byte @ 135864
    !> PID 0x161 -> packet 694 @ pos. 135864 out of sequence (2/1) (shifting..) (~00:00:00.000)
    !> missing sync. byte @ 168388
    !> found sync. byte @ 169088
    !> PID 0x161 -> packet 867 @ pos. 169088 out of sequence (0/15) (shifting..) (~00:00:00.000)
    !> missing sync. byte @ 201800
    !> found sync. byte @ 202500
    !> PID 0x361 -> packet 1055 @ pos. 205132 out of sequence (4/3) (shifting..) (~00:00:00.000)
    -> cut-in @ GOP# 0 / new vframe 0 / new Timecode 00:00:00.000 (172660)
    -> video basics: 704*576 @ 25fps @ 0.6735 (4:3) @ 5000000bps, vbvBuffer 112
    -> starting export of video data @ GOP# 0
    !> dropping useless B-Frames @ GOP# 0 / new Timecode 00:00:00.000
    !> missing sync. byte @ 235024
    !> found sync. byte @ 235724
    !> PID 0x161 -> packet 1214 @ pos. 235724 out of sequence (3/2) (shifting..) (~00:00:00.400)

    *tästä taas puuttuu rivejä*

    -> more than 500 warnings/errors, stop logging..

    -> PID 0x1E9D => marked as scrambled data, packet 162381 @ 31186016 -> ignored
    -> PID 0x65D => marked as scrambled data, packet 661479 @ 127032518 -> ignored
    -> PID 0x1208 => marked as scrambled data, packet 704457 @ 135286002 -> ignored
    -> cut-out @ GOP# 727 (145172148)
    packs: 765255 11% 146962912

    +> Mpg Video: PID 0x0161 / PesID 0xE0 / SubID 0x00 :
    -> Video: fr-ct-1p-cg-og-dg -> 7990-60-0-674-0-54
    -> Video length: 7990 frames @ 00:05:19.600
    -> GOP summary: min. 20, max. 24 fields; contains interlaced frames
    -> avg. nom. bitrate 2705745bps (min/max: 210000/5916800)
    -> set first sequenceheader bitrate to 5916800bps
    ---> new File: L:\Handan\36.m2v

    +> Teletext: PID 0x0361 / PesID 0xBD / SubID 0x10 :

    +> Mpg Audio: PID 0x0261 / PesID 0xC0 / SubID 0x00 :
    -> check CRC of AC-3 / MPEG-Audio L1,2
    -> remove CRC in MPEG-Audio L1,2
    -> add frames
    -> Audio PTS: first packet 02:41:24.050, last packet 02:47:18.506
    -> Video PTS: start 1.GOP 02:41:24.623, end last GOP 02:47:15.423
    -> adjusting audio at video-timeline
    -> src_audio: MPEG-1, Layer2, 48000Hz, stereo, 224kbps, CRC @ 00:00:00.000
    audio frames: wri-pre-skip-ins-add 13317-0-0-643-0 @ 00:05:19.608 done...
    ---> new File: 'L:\Handan\36.mp2'

  7. Agent_007

    Agent_007 Senior member

    May 5, 2003
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    DVR-Studio ohjelmalla toivottavasti selviää onko video kunnossa.
  8. arskaxx

    arskaxx Active member

    Jul 14, 2004
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    Tuli tuossa mieleen, jospa se "Handan file format Adaption" on vielä vaiheessa tuossa uusimmassa ProjectX-versiossa. Kokeileppa vielä laittaa rasti siihen "Finepass file format adaption" valintaan. Vanhemmissa ProjectX versioissa juuri tuon asetuksen on sanottu tehoavan noihin lukemattomiin virheisiin.
    Tuossa ketjussa on ainakin yksi jolla tuo Finepass-asetus auttoi.
  9. tarzan

    tarzan Member

    Apr 3, 2002
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    Silloin aikasemmin kun testailin projectx:ää tuli samanlaista virhettä ja tällöin dvr-studiolla kääntäminen onnistu, mutta nyt kun on koeaika täynnä niin ei voi sitä enää käyttää ja pikkusen on liian kallis ostettavaksi..

    Täytyy tota fine passia kokeilla kunhan ehtii. Handan file format adaption varmaan kannattaa ottaa pois kun ton laittaa?
  10. tarzan

    tarzan Member

    Apr 3, 2002
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    Nythän se taitaa toimia siedettävästi. :) Kiitoksia!!
    Kuvassa ei ollut ongelmia, eikä äänessäkään ainakaan aluksi. Tosin leikkasin nyt vain pienen pätkän tosta. Logi näyttää nyt tältä:

    ProjectX (19.08.2006)

    -> working with collection 0

    -> save normal log file
    -> write all video data
    -> write all other data
    -> patch c.d.flagged infos of pictures
    -> add sequence end code
    -> set resolution in SDE
    -> PVA: strictly specs. for audio streams
    -> VOB: determine diff. Cell timelines
    -> TS: ignore scrambled packets
    -> TS: enhanced search for open packets
    -> TS: join file segments (of Dreambox®)
    -> TS: Finepass® file format adaption
    -> TS: generate PMT stream dependent
    -> get only enclosed PES/TS packets
    -> concatenate different recordings
    -> ensure 1st PES-packet start with video
    -> generate PCR/SCR from PTS

    -> write output files to: 'L:\Handan'
    -> 2 cutpoint(s) defined ( (0) use BytePos. for cuts )

    -> Input File 0: 'L:\Handan\36.hav' (1 264 009 816 bytes)
    -> Filetype is TS (generic PES Container)
    -> demux
    -> no PMT found (at a short scan)
    !> missing sync. byte @ 64906988
    !> found sync. byte @ 64907080
    ok> PID 0x161 has PES-ID 0xE0 (MPEG Video) (64908208 #7)
    ok> PID 0x261 has PES-ID 0xC0 (MPEG Audio) (64910088 #17)
    ok> PID 0x361 has PES-ID 0xBD (private stream 1) (TTX) (64912720 #31)
    -> cut-in @ GOP# 13 / new vframe 0 / new Timecode 00:00:00.000 (67206116)
    -> video basics: 704*576 @ 25fps @ 0.6735 (4:3) @ 5000000bps, vbvBuffer 112
    -> starting export of video data @ GOP# 13
    !> dropping useless B-Frames @ GOP# 13 / new Timecode 00:00:00.000
    -> cut-out @ GOP# 663 (193168576)
    packs: 681473 15% 195025924

    +> Mpg Video: PID 0x0161 / PesID 0xE0 / SubID 0x00 :
    -> Video: fr-ct-1p-cg-og-dg -> 7798-24-0-650-0-0
    -> Video length: 7798 frames @ 00:05:11.920
    -> GOP summary: min. 20, max. 24 fields; contains interlaced frames
    -> avg. nom. bitrate 2640905bps (min/max: 1474400/5810400)
    -> set first sequenceheader bitrate to 5810400bps
    ---> new File: L:\Handan\36.m2v

    +> Mpg Audio: PID 0x0261 / PesID 0xC0 / SubID 0x00 :
    -> check CRC of AC-3 / MPEG-Audio L1,2
    -> remove CRC in MPEG-Audio L1,2
    -> add frames
    -> Audio PTS: first packet 02:43:40.130, last packet 02:49:04.106
    -> Video PTS: start 1.GOP 02:43:47.183, end last GOP 02:48:59.103
    -> adjusting audio at video-timeline
    !> missing syncword @ 197010, @ 00:00:00.000
    !> found syncword @ 197054
    -> src_audio: MPEG-1, Layer2, 48000Hz, stereo, 224kbps, CRC @ 00:00:00.000
    audio frames: wri-pre-skip-ins-add 12997-0-0-0-0 @ 00:05:11.928 done...
    ---> new File: 'L:\Handan\36.mp2'

    +> Teletext: PID 0x0361 / PesID 0xBD / SubID 0x10 :

    summary of created media files:
    .Video (m2v): 7798 Frames 00:05:11.920 'L:\Handan\36.m2v'
    Audio 0 (mp2): 12997 Frames 00:05:11.928 0-0-0-0 'L:\Handan\36.mp2'
    => 111 702 895 bytes written...
    -> we have 5 warnings/errors.

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