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Discussion in 'Digivideo-ongelmat ja -keskustelu' started by June74, Nov 3, 2008.

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  1. June74

    June74 Regular member

    Jun 25, 2006
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    Projectx lopettaa demuxauksen 19-21mb paikkeilla yhtä videota demuxatessa tai demuxaa, mutta tiedostojen koot lopettavat kasvamisen. Kuitenkin kyseisen Ts videon voi katsoa VLC playerillä tai dvbviewerillä ihan normaalisti. Laitan copy/paste logista jos joku keksisi miten ongelman voisi kiertää/korjata (ehkä jotain vikaa streamissa, mutta katselu onnistuu kyllä)
    kyseessä on kuitenkin 11 osainen sarja joka olisi tarkoitus koostaa dvd:lle ja nyt yhteen osaan tökkää homma.
    (kokeilin jo kansion ja tiedostonkin nimen muuttaa ettei ole skandenaavisia merkkejä, mutta ei apua.)

    <<< session infos >>>

    compiled by OoZooN with JDK 1.5.0_04

    3. marraskuuta 2008 23.24.51 EET
    ProjectX (30.03.2006)

    -> working with collection 0

    -> save normal log file
    -> write all video data
    -> write all other data
    -> patch c.d.flagged infos of pictures
    -> add sequence end code
    -> set resolution in SDE
    -> PVA: strictly specs. for audio streams
    -> VOB: determine diff. Cell timelines
    -> TS: ignore scrambled packets
    -> TS: enhanced search for open packets
    -> TS: join file segments (of Dreambox®)
    -> TS: generate PMT stream dependent
    -> get only enclosed PES/TS packets
    -> concatenate different recordings
    -> ensure 1st PES-packet start with video
    -> generate PCR/SCR from PTS

    -> write output files to: 'K:\dvd_lle'
    -> 2 cutpoint(s) defined ( (0) use BytePos. for cuts )

    -> Input File 0: 'J:\tallennus\tankki täyteen\04-06_22-35-00_YLE TV2_Tankki täyteen.ts' (833 358 692 bytes)
    -> Filetype is TS (generic PES Container)
    -> demux
    -> Service ID 0x21
    -> PMT 0x101 refers to these usable streams:
    PID: 0x201(#1)
    PID: 0x294(fin)(#148)
    PID: 0x911(fin_i100 )
    PID: 0x7EB(fin_0x11_p1_a50 )

    ok> PID 0x911 has PES-ID 0xBD (private stream 1) (TTX) (2444 #14)
    ok> PID 0x201 has PES-ID 0xE0 (MPEG Video) (4888 #27)
    !> PID 0x101 (PMT) (9400 #51) -> ignored
    !> PID 0x0 (PAT) (22560 #121) -> ignored
    ok> PID 0x294 has PES-ID 0xC0 (MPEG Audio) (36472 #195)
    -> skip sequence_end_code following GOP# 9
    -> cut-in @ GOP# 9 / new vframe 0 / new Timecode 00:00:00.000 (1699896)
    -> video basics: 720*576 @ 25fps @ 0.6735 (4:3) @ 8400000bps, vbvBuffer 112
    -> starting export of video data @ GOP# 9
    !> dropping useless B-Frames @ GOP# 9 / new Timecode 00:00:00.000
    !> PID 0x911 -> packet 144748 @ pos. 27212436 out of sequence (9/15) (shifting..) (~00:00:44.560)
    !> incoming PES packet without payload or wrong header data (1283/19/9/10/0)
    !> incoming PES packet without payload or wrong header data (1284/19/9/10/0)
    !> incoming PES packet without payload or wrong header data (1285/19/9/10/0)
    !> incoming PES packet without payload or wrong header data (1286/19/9/10/0)
    !> incoming PES packet without payload or wrong header data (1287/19/9/10/0)
    !> incoming PES packet without payload or wrong header data (1288/19/9/10/0)
    !> incoming PES packet without payload or wrong header data (1289/19/9/10/0)
    !> incoming PES packet without payload or wrong header data (1290/19/9/10/0)
    !> incoming PES packet without payload or wrong header data (1291/19/9/10/0)
    !> incoming PES packet without payload or wrong header data (1292/19/9/10/0)
    !> incoming PES packet without payload or wrong header data (1293/19/9/10/0)
    !> incoming PES packet without payload or wrong header data (1294/19/9/10/0)
    !> ID 0xC0 (sub 0x0) packet# 424, big PTS difference: this 148820490, prev. 148664593
    !> PID 0x201 -> packet 153712 @ pos. 28897668 out of sequence (0/13) (shifting..) (~00:00:45.520)
    !> incoming PES packet without payload or wrong header data (1295/19/9/10/0)
    !> PID 0x294 -> packet 153950 @ pos. 28942412 out of sequence (0/9) (shifting..) (~00:00:45.520)
    !> dropping GOP# 104 @ orig.PTS 00:27:31.880 (148669200), errorcode: 24
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/18, inGOP PTS diff. 360ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> ID 0xC0 (sub 0x0) packet# 432, big PTS difference: this 1188900, prev. 148896090
    !> startPTS of GOP# 105 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 105 @ orig.PTS 00:00:13.200 (1188000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 10/10, inGOP PTS diff. 20ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 106 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 106 @ orig.PTS 00:00:13.620 (1225800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 107 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 107 @ orig.PTS 00:00:14.100 (1269000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 108 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 108 @ orig.PTS 00:00:14.580 (1312200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 109 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 109 @ orig.PTS 00:00:15.060 (1355400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 110 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 110 @ orig.PTS 00:00:15.540 (1398600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 111 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 111 @ orig.PTS 00:00:16.020 (1441800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 112 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 112 @ orig.PTS 00:00:16.500 (1485000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 113 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 113 @ orig.PTS 00:00:16.980 (1528200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 114 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 114 @ orig.PTS 00:00:17.460 (1571400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 115 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 115 @ orig.PTS 00:00:17.940 (1614600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 116 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 116 @ orig.PTS 00:00:18.420 (1657800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 117 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 117 @ orig.PTS 00:00:18.900 (1701000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 118 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 118 @ orig.PTS 00:00:19.380 (1744200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 119 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 119 @ orig.PTS 00:00:19.860 (1787400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 120 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 120 @ orig.PTS 00:00:20.340 (1830600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 121 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 121 @ orig.PTS 00:00:20.820 (1873800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 122 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 122 @ orig.PTS 00:00:21.300 (1917000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 123 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 123 @ orig.PTS 00:00:21.780 (1960200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 124 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 124 @ orig.PTS 00:00:22.260 (2003400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 125 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 125 @ orig.PTS 00:00:22.740 (2046600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 126 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 126 @ orig.PTS 00:00:23.220 (2089800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 127 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 127 @ orig.PTS 00:00:23.700 (2133000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    ok> PID 0x7EC has PES-ID 0xBD (private stream 1) (SubID 0x20) (36027192 #191635)
    !> PID 0x7EC -> packet 191868 @ pos. 36070996 out of sequence (5/8) (shifting..) (~00:00:45.520)
    !> startPTS of GOP# 128 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 128 @ orig.PTS 00:00:24.180 (2176200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 129 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 129 @ orig.PTS 00:00:24.660 (2219400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 130 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 130 @ orig.PTS 00:00:25.140 (2262600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 131 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 131 @ orig.PTS 00:00:25.620 (2305800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 132 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 132 @ orig.PTS 00:00:26.100 (2349000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 133 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 133 @ orig.PTS 00:00:26.580 (2392200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 134 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 134 @ orig.PTS 00:00:27.060 (2435400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 135 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 135 @ orig.PTS 00:00:27.540 (2478600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 136 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 136 @ orig.PTS 00:00:28.020 (2521800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 137 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 137 @ orig.PTS 00:00:28.500 (2565000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 138 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 138 @ orig.PTS 00:00:28.980 (2608200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 139 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 139 @ orig.PTS 00:00:29.460 (2651400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 140 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 140 @ orig.PTS 00:00:29.940 (2694600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 141 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 141 @ orig.PTS 00:00:30.420 (2737800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 142 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 142 @ orig.PTS 00:00:30.900 (2781000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 143 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 143 @ orig.PTS 00:00:31.380 (2824200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 144 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 144 @ orig.PTS 00:00:31.860 (2867400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 145 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 145 @ orig.PTS 00:00:32.340 (2910600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 146 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 146 @ orig.PTS 00:00:32.820 (2953800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 147 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 147 @ orig.PTS 00:00:33.300 (2997000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 148 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 148 @ orig.PTS 00:00:33.780 (3040200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 149 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 149 @ orig.PTS 00:00:34.260 (3083400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 150 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 150 @ orig.PTS 00:00:34.740 (3126600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 151 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 151 @ orig.PTS 00:00:35.220 (3169800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 152 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 152 @ orig.PTS 00:00:35.700 (3213000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 153 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 153 @ orig.PTS 00:00:36.180 (3256200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 154 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 154 @ orig.PTS 00:00:36.660 (3299400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 155 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 155 @ orig.PTS 00:00:37.140 (3342600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 156 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 156 @ orig.PTS 00:00:37.620 (3385800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 157 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 157 @ orig.PTS 00:00:38.100 (3429000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 158 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 158 @ orig.PTS 00:00:38.580 (3472200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 159 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 159 @ orig.PTS 00:00:39.060 (3515400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 160 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 160 @ orig.PTS 00:00:39.540 (3558600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 161 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 161 @ orig.PTS 00:00:40.020 (3601800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 162 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 162 @ orig.PTS 00:00:40.500 (3645000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 163 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 163 @ orig.PTS 00:00:40.980 (3688200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 164 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 164 @ orig.PTS 00:00:41.460 (3731400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 165 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 165 @ orig.PTS 00:00:41.940 (3774600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 166 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 166 @ orig.PTS 00:00:42.420 (3817800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 167 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 167 @ orig.PTS 00:00:42.900 (3861000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 168 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 168 @ orig.PTS 00:00:43.380 (3904200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 169 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 169 @ orig.PTS 00:00:43.860 (3947400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 170 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 170 @ orig.PTS 00:00:44.340 (3990600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 171 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 171 @ orig.PTS 00:00:44.820 (4033800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 172 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 172 @ orig.PTS 00:00:45.300 (4077000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 173 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 173 @ orig.PTS 00:00:45.780 (4120200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 174 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 174 @ orig.PTS 00:00:46.260 (4163400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 175 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 175 @ orig.PTS 00:00:46.740 (4206600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 176 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 176 @ orig.PTS 00:00:47.220 (4249800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 177 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 177 @ orig.PTS 00:00:47.700 (4293000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 178 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 178 @ orig.PTS 00:00:48.180 (4336200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 179 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 179 @ orig.PTS 00:00:48.660 (4379400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 180 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 180 @ orig.PTS 00:00:49.140 (4422600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 181 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 181 @ orig.PTS 00:00:49.620 (4465800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 182 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 182 @ orig.PTS 00:00:50.100 (4509000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 183 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 183 @ orig.PTS 00:00:50.580 (4552200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 184 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 184 @ orig.PTS 00:00:51.060 (4595400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 185 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 185 @ orig.PTS 00:00:51.540 (4638600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 186 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 186 @ orig.PTS 00:00:52.020 (4681800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 187 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 187 @ orig.PTS 00:00:52.500 (4725000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 188 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 188 @ orig.PTS 00:00:52.980 (4768200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 189 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 189 @ orig.PTS 00:00:53.460 (4811400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 190 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 190 @ orig.PTS 00:00:53.940 (4854600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 191 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 191 @ orig.PTS 00:00:54.420 (4897800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 192 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 192 @ orig.PTS 00:00:54.900 (4941000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 193 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 193 @ orig.PTS 00:00:55.380 (4984200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 194 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 194 @ orig.PTS 00:00:55.860 (5027400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 195 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 195 @ orig.PTS 00:00:56.340 (5070600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 196 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 196 @ orig.PTS 00:00:56.820 (5113800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 197 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 197 @ orig.PTS 00:00:57.300 (5157000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 198 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 198 @ orig.PTS 00:00:57.780 (5200200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 199 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 199 @ orig.PTS 00:00:58.260 (5243400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 200 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 200 @ orig.PTS 00:00:58.740 (5286600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 201 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 201 @ orig.PTS 00:00:59.220 (5329800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 202 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 202 @ orig.PTS 00:00:59.700 (5373000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 203 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 203 @ orig.PTS 00:01:00.180 (5416200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 204 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 204 @ orig.PTS 00:01:00.660 (5459400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 205 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 205 @ orig.PTS 00:01:01.140 (5502600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 206 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 206 @ orig.PTS 00:01:01.620 (5545800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 207 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 207 @ orig.PTS 00:01:02.100 (5589000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 208 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 208 @ orig.PTS 00:01:02.580 (5632200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 209 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 209 @ orig.PTS 00:01:03.060 (5675400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 210 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 210 @ orig.PTS 00:01:03.540 (5718600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 211 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 211 @ orig.PTS 00:01:04.020 (5761800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 212 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 212 @ orig.PTS 00:01:04.500 (5805000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 213 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 213 @ orig.PTS 00:01:04.980 (5848200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 214 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 214 @ orig.PTS 00:01:05.460 (5891400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 215 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 215 @ orig.PTS 00:01:05.940 (5934600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 216 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 216 @ orig.PTS 00:01:06.420 (5977800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 217 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 217 @ orig.PTS 00:01:06.900 (6021000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 218 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 218 @ orig.PTS 00:01:07.380 (6064200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 219 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 219 @ orig.PTS 00:01:07.860 (6107400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 220 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 220 @ orig.PTS 00:01:08.340 (6150600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 221 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 221 @ orig.PTS 00:01:08.820 (6193800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 222 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 222 @ orig.PTS 00:01:09.300 (6237000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 223 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 223 @ orig.PTS 00:01:09.780 (6280200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 224 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 224 @ orig.PTS 00:01:10.260 (6323400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 225 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 225 @ orig.PTS 00:01:10.740 (6366600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 226 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 226 @ orig.PTS 00:01:11.220 (6409800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 227 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 227 @ orig.PTS 00:01:11.700 (6453000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 228 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 228 @ orig.PTS 00:01:12.180 (6496200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 229 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 229 @ orig.PTS 00:01:12.660 (6539400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 230 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 230 @ orig.PTS 00:01:13.140 (6582600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 231 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 231 @ orig.PTS 00:01:13.620 (6625800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 232 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 232 @ orig.PTS 00:01:14.100 (6669000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 233 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 233 @ orig.PTS 00:01:14.580 (6712200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 234 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 234 @ orig.PTS 00:01:15.060 (6755400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 235 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 235 @ orig.PTS 00:01:15.540 (6798600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 236 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 236 @ orig.PTS 00:01:16.020 (6841800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 237 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 237 @ orig.PTS 00:01:16.500 (6885000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 238 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 238 @ orig.PTS 00:01:16.980 (6928200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 239 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 239 @ orig.PTS 00:01:17.460 (6971400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 240 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 240 @ orig.PTS 00:01:17.940 (7014600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 241 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 241 @ orig.PTS 00:01:18.420 (7057800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 242 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 242 @ orig.PTS 00:01:18.900 (7101000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 243 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 243 @ orig.PTS 00:01:19.380 (7144200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 244 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 244 @ orig.PTS 00:01:19.860 (7187400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 245 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 245 @ orig.PTS 00:01:20.340 (7230600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 246 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 246 @ orig.PTS 00:01:20.820 (7273800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 247 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 247 @ orig.PTS 00:01:21.300 (7317000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 248 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 248 @ orig.PTS 00:01:21.780 (7360200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 249 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 249 @ orig.PTS 00:01:22.260 (7403400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 250 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 250 @ orig.PTS 00:01:22.740 (7446600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 251 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 251 @ orig.PTS 00:01:23.220 (7489800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 252 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 252 @ orig.PTS 00:01:23.700 (7533000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 253 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 253 @ orig.PTS 00:01:24.180 (7576200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 254 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 254 @ orig.PTS 00:01:24.660 (7619400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 255 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 255 @ orig.PTS 00:01:25.140 (7662600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 256 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 256 @ orig.PTS 00:01:25.620 (7705800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 257 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 257 @ orig.PTS 00:01:26.100 (7749000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 258 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 258 @ orig.PTS 00:01:26.580 (7792200), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 259 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 259 @ orig.PTS 00:01:27.060 (7835400), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 260 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 260 @ orig.PTS 00:01:27.540 (7878600), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 261 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 261 @ orig.PTS 00:01:28.020 (7921800), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 262 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 262 @ orig.PTS 00:01:28.500 (7965000), errorcode: 10
    !> Pics exp/cnt 12/12, inGOP PTS diff. 0ms, new Timecode 00:00:45.520
    !> startPTS of GOP# 263 is earlier than the end of last GOP.. (exp. 148669200)
    !> dropping GOP# 263 @ orig.PTS 00:01:28.980 (8008200), errorcode: 10
    -> more than 500 warnings/errors, stop logging..
    -> skip sequence_end_code following GOP# 3457
    GOP# 3457, new format in next leading sequenceheader detected: (00:00:45.520)
    -> video basics: 720*576 @ 25fps @ 0.7031 (16:9) @ 8400000bps, vbvBuffer 112
    packs: 4396882 100% 833358692

    -> Video: fr/ ct/ 1p/ cg/ og/ dg -> 1138/ 3400/ 0/ 95/ 0/ 3393
    -> Video length: 1138 frames @ 00:00:45.520
    -> GOP summary: min. 20, max. 24 fields; contains interlaced frames
    -> avg. nom. bitrate 3883968bps (min/max: 2435200/4682800)
    -> set first sequenceheader bitrate to 4682800bps
    ---> new File: K:\dvd_lle\04-06_22-35-00_YLE TV2_Tankki täyteen.m2v

    --> Teletext on PID 0x911 (SubID 0x10)

    -> export format: srt
    -> temp. file: 04-06_22-35-00_YLE TV2_Tankki tä (52850826 bytes)
    -> looking for page number 452
    Teletext PTS: first packet 00:26:41.068, last packet 00:27:34.401
    Video PTS: start 1.GOP 00:26:46.360, end last GOP 00:27:31.880
    ->adjusting teletext at video-timeline
    -> program: YLE
    0 pages of No. 452 written...

    -> export format: srt
    -> temp. file: 04-06_22-35-00_YLE TV2_Tankki tä (52850826 bytes)
    -> looking for page number 456
    Teletext PTS: first packet 00:26:41.068, last packet 00:27:34.401
    Video PTS: start 1.GOP 00:26:46.360, end last GOP 00:27:31.880
    ->adjusting teletext at video-timeline
    -> program: YLE
    0 pages of No. 456 written...

    -> export format: srt
    -> temp. file: 04-06_22-35-00_YLE TV2_Tankki tä (52850826 bytes)
    -> looking for page number 333
    Teletext PTS: first packet 00:26:41.068, last packet 00:27:34.401
    Video PTS: start 1.GOP 00:26:46.360, end last GOP 00:27:31.880
    ->adjusting teletext at video-timeline
    -> program: YLE
    0 pages of No. 333 written...

    -> export format: srt
    -> temp. file: 04-06_22-35-00_YLE TV2_Tankki tä (52850826 bytes)
    -> looking for page number 334
    Teletext PTS: first packet 00:26:41.068, last packet 00:27:34.401
    Video PTS: start 1.GOP 00:26:46.360, end last GOP 00:27:31.880
    ->adjusting teletext at video-timeline
    -> program: YLE
    1 pages of No. 334 written...
    ---> new File: K:\dvd_lle\04-06_22-35-00_YLE TV2_Tankki täyteen[334].srt

    --> MPEG Audio (0xC0) on PID 0x294
    -> check CRC of AC-3 / MPEG-Audio L1,2
    -> delete CRC in MPEG-Audio Layer1,2
    -> add frames
    Audio PTS: first packet 00:26:41.068, last packet 00:27:34.401
    Video PTS: start 1.GOP 00:26:46.360, end last GOP 00:27:31.880
    -> adjusting audio at video-timeline
    -> src_audio: MPEG-1, Layer2, 48000Hz, stereo, 224kbps, CRC @ 00:00:00.000
    audio frames: wri/pre/skip/ins/add 1897/0/0/2/0 @ 00:00:45.528 done...
    ---> new File: 'K:\dvd_lle\04-06_22-35-00_YLE TV2_Tankki täyteen.mp2'

    --> Subpicture (SubID 0x20)
    -> selected DVB subpicture color model: YLE ; fixed to page id:

    -> export format: sup
    -> temp. file: 04-06_22-35-00_YLE TV2_Tankki täyteen.sp (2421947 bytes)
    Subpicture PTS: first packet 00:00:25.648, last packet 00:26:30.552
    Video PTS: start 1.GOP 00:26:46.360, end last GOP 00:27:31.880
    -> adjusting subpicture at video-timeline
    -> source is DVB Subtitle...
    0 subpictures written...

    summary of created media files:
    .Video (m2v): 1138 Frames 00:00:45.520 'K:\dvd_lle\04-06_22-35-00_YLE TV2_Tankki täyteen.m2v'
    Audio 0 (mp2): 1897 Frames 00:00:45.528 0/0/2/0 'K:\dvd_lle\04-06_22-35-00_YLE TV2_Tankki täyteen.mp2'
    Teletext 0: 1 pages of No. 334 'K:\dvd_lle\04-06_22-35-00_YLE TV2_Tankki täyteen[334].srt'
    => 23 374 633 bytes written...
    -> we have 10256 warnings/errors.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2008
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