...prolly buying a camcorder w/ my b-day money; need suggestions!!!!

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by Halen5150, Dec 19, 2006.

  1. Halen5150

    Halen5150 Regular member

    Aug 17, 2005
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    Hey Guys;

    Well; I'm not totally decided yet; but I think I'm gonna get a camcorder soon....[maybe]

    ...so I want some suggestions because I looked all over cnet; but I'm not necessarily the type of person that likes to live by those reviews; so here's my situation below:

    1. My budget is in the 200-400 dollar range [NO HIGHER than 400 please!!]

    2. Along w/ an internal mic; The cam needs to also have an external mic input; because I'll mainly be doing videos of me playing guitar.......and the rest will prolly be of just the family @ home and general use....nothing too special....

    3. I'd also like it to have A/V inputs so I can hook up my VCR to the camcorder;)

    4. I defenitely want it to use MiniDV tapes--any mini dvd/mem card/compact flash style cameras will NOT Do!!! I relly want this to be a MiniDV!

    5. If there's any important features that I should be looking for when 'shopping around'; let me know so I don't get screwed by some sales guy and end up w/ a pos camera;)lol:)

    Thank You; and I hope this gives you a guideline and it's not Too much of a 'want' list...lol

    Thx again AD;

    P.S. Oh yea; the reason why I'm on such a tight budget is 'cause I'm still a young kid and don't want to blow all my money on just a camcorder......

    TPFKAS Regular member

    Jan 1, 2005
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  3. Halen5150

    Halen5150 Regular member

    Aug 17, 2005
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    ahhh yes; I thank you very much for this:)....

    ...it's funny because I was looking @ this one a while ago and wasn't too sure; but now that you've shown me the link and everything; I think I'll trust your word and go with this one;) I thank you very much; this cam'll suit me fine!:)

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