Hey, this might seem like a sad idea, but it seems 2 work. you need- *cling wrap *SHARP scissors *your ipod take some cling wrap(plastic wrap) and cut a slice about the size of the ipod screen. it might take a while to get all the creases out, but it should protect the screen from those pesky little scratches that come from having it in your pocket. also you might want to put 2 or 3 layers on your ipod. Have fun while protecting screens! ~Manaxer P.S.- i did this to my video ipod,and so far it is working great!!!
Hi Manaxer Though that seems like a good idea, I tried it, and it makes the screen very reflective and also, you get many miniscule air pockets underneath it which are hard to level out. The way I do it is cut the plastic film off an old DVD, and cut it out to the shape of the screen. Been going strong for months now
305ss2 - It was me who mentioned the idea of the plastic covering from DVD's...just a suggestion as it has worked well for me thus far..
haha lethal b sorry, i was just asking because i am unsure as to what plastic you are talking about. thanks.
The Plastic Sheet that covers the front and back of the DVD cover, sorry I should have been a little more specific ;-)
get some Sellotape, and cut it inti 4mm strips, and stick it on each side. Job done, and very effective.
looks good, but if you're going to purchase something, you may aswell go for the iSkin with the screen protector. just a suggstion
i already have a nice case for my ipod, but it doesnt have a screen protector. im just going to put on the screen cover under the case. Currently, i am using the dvd thing but when i put it on it seems to scratch the screen a little.
I used to have a great screen protector, it stuck using static electricity, but I lost it (hence the resourcefulness of using DVD cases) & I could only find it on eBay aswell, from which I have since been kicked off from :0
Heh, couldnt you just make a new account? As for me, I use clear plastic packing tape. Just cut it to the right size, and it protects it well. You just have to make sure you dont use a very high adhesive tape, or it will leave a sticky residue.I used to use Belkin universal screen protectors, that I paid $15!!! for only 12 of them...*ripoff*
mkaseatgb - at the moment, I'm skint, i.e need to sell to buy; and to sell, you need to give over a credit/debit number, and it just so happens that mine has been suspended in eBay. So i'll have to make do with DVD covers for now :^)
Well All Of Those Ideas Are Good But Why Not Just Go To Agent18.com & Buy The case For The Ipod I Have Had 3 Ipods 1 Mini, 1 Regular Ipod, & 1 Video Ipod & Ive Bought Cases For Them Check Them Out There Actually A Good Investment I Mean You Guys Paid Good $$ For That Piece Of Electronic Epuipment Why Not Go All The Way & Invest In Keeping It Scratch Free & They Have A Good IPOD NANO CASE Which Is Really Good Afterall Those Complaints About The Nanos.
LETHAL- I was trying to just put packaging tape over it then I came across your idea and it couldn't work any better. Thanks man.