ps2 won't read dvd

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by c60sec, Jun 21, 2004.

  1. c60sec

    c60sec Guest

    I cannot play burned dvd movies in unmodified PS2 "recently purchased" Version 9. Burned DVD will play in stand alone player. I Tried DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD+RW using fujifilm. Keep getting "Please insert a Playstation or Playstation 2 format disc" messages. The forum FAQ said I am unforunate. Is there anthing I can do? any help would be appreciated.

    by the way using dvd shrink v.3.1.7 and recordnow!
  2. deadcat

    deadcat Regular member

    Apr 12, 2004
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    try dvd-r, try different media. A version 9 should be able to play dvd+r (i know mine can), never used fuji film media though.

    This would be better off in ps2 forum maybe??
  3. geestar20

    geestar20 Active member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    if you are still having problem's take the ps2 back an get a new one.

    Does the original dvd play in your v9 ps2?
  4. c60sec

    c60sec Guest

    thanks for your replies. I did post it in ps2 forum, and someone told me to post my question here. Anyway, yes the original dvds play flawlessly. PS2 has 3.00U dvd player. I guess I'll have to take it back and exchange it.

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