PSO or Phantasy Star Online

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by error55o, Aug 28, 2006.

  1. error55o

    error55o Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    I get a network error saying no account! I patched to get around it but it has'nt taken :( any one know how i can get on to the offline mode and/or bypass the online check?
  2. Venom5880

    Venom5880 Regular member

    Aug 14, 2005
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    You have to get it patched, and from the sound of it, the one you got didn't work. The working patch is hard to find nowadays, if not impossible to get a hold of.

    Or, you could just set-up a gamertag and use it for PSO and nothing else. I don't remember the procedure though, so someone else might be able to help you out with that.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2006
  3. spOrin

    spOrin Guest

    ya i have that working version of that game its quit silly because the game relays on your gamer profile as a boot up or a gameprofile i have learned ones u go onto LIVE with it and create ur dude u can use it how ever you want offline my suggestion is to find someone that knows how to create a fake gamertag or use a quick created account or you could tranfer someone elses old gamerTAG that has expired from ther xbox to urs hope this helped i had the same problem backing up that game to didnt relize it had all that mumbo jumbo to it untill i got my freinds copy
  4. error55o

    error55o Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    thats been tried, now i get "A network action has not been preformed"

    anyone hacked it so it just loads to main menu?
  5. spOrin

    spOrin Guest

    ya i have a copy that does i have not bin able to do it personally no but i have a copy that just does that loads main menu and goes straight to fakegamerTAG screen or what not if i find a FAQ on that ill hook u up
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2006
  6. error55o

    error55o Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    that would be fab ^_^

    evan better, could you please pm me then i could give my msn or email and you could send the needed files to me directly ^_^

    ^_^ I would be most greatfull ^_^
  7. spOrin

    spOrin Guest

    ya ill do that cuzz i know its a hard process never done it before just heard
  8. error55o

    error55o Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    well, i know no one condones piracy but i got the original (befoer i get leched for it) and i had to get a torrent of the game and let it download for 3 days! if you need the xbe pm me ^_^

    only if you have original game though ;)
  9. spOrin

    spOrin Guest

    srry about that bro went to vacation for a couple of days or i would have got it for you nice game cant wait for phantasy star universe to come to x360 ill be on XBL 24/7 for a bit.
  10. error55o

    error55o Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    thats cool ^_^

    any idea on where i can find info about hacking my mag?
  11. spOrin

    spOrin Guest

    no idea... i stop playing PSO and am waiting for Phantasy Star Unviverse to come out so i dont have the foggyest idea
  12. dash134

    dash134 Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    if your xbox is modded just go to torrentz(.)com and search for pso ep 1&2 for your the xbox and once u get it, it will have a already hacked gamertag for u to use so that u can play offline with but dont try to go on xbox live with it.
  13. phantom31

    phantom31 Guest

    I have thatgame for playstation 2 already bought it last week. I havent do it online yet. I'm working on stoy mode offline to get the hang of the game. I also am woring on a guide book for phantasy star universe online and offline.

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