Here's the story. I was on ebay looking for psps, I couldn't win a bid for my life. I went on and I needed to complete an offer. My friend told me he does those offers because when it says apply, of course you pay with credit but you can cancel the information once the psp is recieved or once that offer is over, so I said sure I'll give it a shot and scam them. Well well well, they caught me, in order to get the psp I need four(4), yes 4 people to complete 1 offer such as I. Now I have a referral link so I can get the credit. Now I know this is a very big favor that I am asking out of the Afterdawn community, would 4 considerate individuals help me get this psp by pming me for the referral link so I can get 1. I know what you're thinking, what a jack@$$, why should I help you?, you shouldn't have did the offer. But here's the thing the offer I did was real rhapsody, it was only $0.99 and there are others that are a $1 such as kmart giftcard or shoppers advantage, so if individuals could help me out that would be great, remember you can do the other offers but the real rhapsody offer was the easiest and most convienent.Thanks again you have been great listeners regardless of your decision.
sorry to sound rude, but thats you're own dumb fault for falling for spam. You tried to scam them, but they ended up spamming you! I hope you learned your lesson. Now remove you email as according to forum rules please...
Dude, your never gona get a free psp that way.. trust me.. Sorry, but you had your hopes up so high that you were gona get one..
Well they jus sent it out 2day, cuz i found a way to scam them, i took my credit card and went to the referral link 3 times and did an offer, then my sister did 2 offers that were $1, and now im getting it within 2-6 weeks, if it doesn't come in o well, i only spent $6-$8 that I can spare. Thanks for your support anyway but my creativeness bewilders me too. Later