Just to let you all know - there's a jumper on the PSP that allows you to either read from the UMD disk or write to it. This has been leaked out directly from someone who works at Sony; however, I cannot say where the jumper is on the PSP; I'll leave that for you all to figure out
REALLY, Would that be because you probably don't even know where it is? LMAO What F#@K'in joke! Why would Sony do something stupid like that?
Just so everyone can know, The psp version 1.5 has now been hacked. Theirs a video clip to prove it. I was able to save the video clip before the website when down. The homebrew is going to be released on 6/15/05. the website is in spanish. Not sure if the website at the moment is being updated or whats going on but their is no access at the moment. I will post the website when it is up and running.
Hey exactly what hacks are we talking about for the 1.5v psp. Do you mean the hack we have all been waiting for?!!!!! Hey IM me if you cant go into details but i got to know if it is the memory stick hack that everyone is waiting on or what??? Please say it is!!! LOL
The homebrew for the psp version 1.50 is soppuse to be release tomorrow around 3pm Mountain Time. The website earlier on was working but now the website has been suspended so not sure if it is still scheduled to come out tomorrow. They were going to have a tutorial on how to hack the psp. The video that proves that the psp version 1.50 was hacked was released on 6/07/05 but the site went down a couple of hours. Good thing i save the file before it went down. I have the file on the website i created. just save as to download it. The website is really crappy so if an amount of people download the file. The site will be unavaile for an hour. http://www.geocities.com/xfractor/welcome.html