I would like to know if there is a way of adding apps to my xbox without haveing to ftp it tanx for your responses
Well you r stupid cuz if I didnt have a modded xbox how would I know about apps stupid!!!!! HAHAHAHA You dont know shit about moding hahaha!!!!!! P.S You are stupid HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!
You're calling him stupid? I don't think that's appropiate since you didn't even say everything. And all you gotta do is burn the app on a cd with a default.xbe.
Dozer your a n00b If you really understood how all this worked u would not need to ask questions about it and softmoders suck if they have dont have any idea what there doing
HUH...you don't even need to do that...just fire up unleash and put your cd in the drive..then copy the files where u want 'em!!
Yea I am a noob i guess but it made me laugh I couldnt help my self lol any ways thanks for the posts