Hi, I'm new to all of this. I searched for what I need help with but couldn't find anything (sorry if there was something and I missed it). If this has already been answered can I have a link to it. But anyway I have some avi(a couple of the files are wmv, mpeg, and mpg)files on my computer that I would like to put on a CD-R. I want to get them off my computer to make room but, still be able to watch them at a later date (just on my computer, not a player of any kind). I am not sure how to do this. I mean can I just copying the files to the disc? This is what I am not sure about. All this is really new to me. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks
If your using Windows XP copying to a disk is pretty much extactly what you can do. If you don't have XP (and even if you do because I don't like the burning option in XP) Just use whatever burning program you have a make a data disk.
ok thank you. I do have XP, just new to burning programs to discs and such. Its a new computer, so everything is new to me.