hey everyone i need some help see a friend died about 6 months ago andher mum wants me to put vhs on dvd ive already got the vhs's on the computer in mpeg-1 but i need a program to put them on a dvd so they are able to be viewed in a normal dvd player can anyone help?
Roxio Easy CD/DVD program is a nice user-friendly program for doing this. will set u back about $50 bucks or so. search online to save some $$$ on this. i have done this successfully with this program just recently.
Welcome to our Club poopoo2u, I understand your problem. Try using NeroVision Express. Nero can be used for a host of DVD and CD projects and is considered by many to be one of the best values on the market today. Here is a 30-day trial of Nero, http://www.ahead.de/us/631898252770313.html Cheers, Pete PS Just a heads’ up – Roxio products are generally not compatible with most DVD backup programs. If you have a Roxio proggy on your PC you’ll want to use this proggy to get rid of it all as it can linger on your system and cause havoc - http://softwareupdates.roxio.com/gm/support/tools/roxizap.exe Will get all those annoying tendrils that Roxio puts throughout your PC. Cheers