i have a cpu i want to take out of one of my comps and put it into another, im new at this i dont know where or how to take it out and insert it. the taking out my 1.7 mghz celron and putting in my 1.3 amd because i heared amd is better at loading up and games etc. if anyone can help be greatly appreciated thanks
Eazy-, tell us something..... 1) what are the motherboard makes and models? 2) need to research whether the "newly targetted" mobo can accept the processor speed/socket type, etc. Let's start out with gathering that info first. Then, we can tell you how to proceed with pulling the bad boy out of the ZIF Socket on the mobo. Thanks!!
are you trying to put an amd cpu in place of a intel cpu without changing the motherboard than you are sol as they use 2 different sockets.
ok its a p4s8x asus i have a 1.7 celeron in it now. i want to put a amd 1.3 even though its lower i heared its better. any help would be good. also if i were to buy one whats better amd or intel for gaming and speed thanks
As ddp said you can't do it. An AMD chip will not fit in an Intel motherboard and vise versa. You can either buy an AMD motherboard, or buy a real P4 chip, not Celeron depending on if you want to change motherboard or not. A regular P4 chip will fit in the same socket as a Celeron. As to which is better, it's a matter of choice. AMD is slightly better for games, Intel is better for video encoding and general purpose. Neither is really leaps and bounds ahead of the other.
so your saying an AMD will not fit into a p4s8x asus motherboard only pentiums, any kind of pentiums such as pentium 4 etc.
a p4 socket is about 1.5in square whereas an amd socket a is about 2in square so the don't fit at all
a p4 or a p4 celeron will fit but might not work with the prescott dye p4 & celeron version cpu. ran into that problem on my old ecs p4 motherboard, would take the northwood dye cpu you have but wouldn't post a prescott dye cpu. check this link to see what cpu can goto http://www.asus.com/support/cpusupport/cpusupport.aspx
ok well just out of curiostity, if i were to build my own comp ftrom scratch whats would be good for gaming and overall fast comp. amd processor kingston ram im guessing and most of all whats a good motherboard to buy?
go with an amd 64bit 939 socket 3000+ or higher depending on budget. Model ASUS: AMD Athlon 64FX/64 CPU (Socket 939) Price A8V Deluxe VIA K8T800 Pro 4DDR SATA w/Audio/GLAN/1394a/Raid Info $148 A8V-E Deluxe VIA K8T890 Pro 4DDR SATA w/Audio/WLAN/1394a/Raid Info $179 A8N-E nForce4 Ultra 4DDR SATA w/Audio/Dual GLAN//Raid Info $157 A8N-SLI nForce4 SLI 4DDR SATA w/Audio/Dual GLAN/1394a/Raid Info $196 A8N-SLI Deluxe nForce4 SLI 4DDR SATA w/Audio/Dual GLAN/1394a/Raid Info $223 Model Gigabyte: AMD Athlon 64FX/64 CPU Price K8NS nForce3 Socket 939 3DDR 5PCI AGP8X w/Audio/GbLAN Info $109 K8NF-9 nForce4 Socket 939 4DDR PCIE16X 2PCIE w/Audio/GbLAN Info $143 some boards above have agp 8x & others have pci/e or sli slots so might also have to get a new videocard. prices are in canadian dollars