I've got 4 different slideshows I've done. I did them at different parts of the day, so they are all saved as their own file in my NeroVision folder. 2 of them are together as 1 file. At the "create and arrange titles for you project" page I see Ryan 3 and Ryan 4, 2 of my 4 slides. Im trying to add my other ones to this project, but see no way to do it. I think you should be able to, I don't think they would make it where you have to make all your chapters at the same time. They are saved as .nvc, but on the "create and arrange titles for you project" page, they say the Video mode is NTSC. Will they have to be converted some way to get them added?
You can not MERGE Projects. You can edit a project or add to a project, but not merge one project into another. You can create a project that has 1 slide show and save it. And then come back and add another Slide SHow, or even 5 slide shows, etc and save the project. Regards, Craig
Oh, so what I should have done was open the first project, then click make new slide. Its not to bad, I just did random transitions and stuff, so it won't take long to redo. But just to make sure, I can't add already made slides to this screen?
Correct. YOu can not take the contents from one project and import it into another project. This applies to both Slideshows and Video. Regards, Craig