i want to put a bigger harddrive on my xbox. i have a Xecuter2.6 CE on my xbox. i want to put a hitachi 160 gb harddrive( it is compatible with my xbox) what do i need to install it?
It'd probably work just fine. To install it, back up everything important on your old hard drive to your PC. Meaning, the entire C and E partitions. Then swap out the hard drives, and boot up the Xbox with AID or Slayer's and format the hard drive. This will allow you to use all the space on your hard drive. Afterwards, transfer all your back-up information from you old hard drive to your new one, and you should be good to go.
Seriously? You can get a decent NIC for about $20. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16833124107
i use my usb so i see no point in getting one. any ways i put my new hdd and used slayer 2.6 to install everything my friend is going to backup my old hdd to get my saves thanks for everything p.s where did u get that siginture
Alright, good to know you have a friend willing to help you out with that. As for the signature, theridges made them for me. He offered to make me some userbars, and I happily accepted