Missing Item questions Okie Dokie! I bought Panasonic PV-GS50R from someone a while ago and I believe I am missing some things after pulling it out of the closest. I will need help finding a good place to acquire them. Cheap and reliable please. I think I am missing the cord that hooks up the Cam to the PC, some sort of DV cord or USB.....Not sure...The box says: PC connection Cable I am also missing the standalone battery, I have the Wall jack power source(AC Adater, where I can plug it into the wall and use the cam. Battery Pack Also Missing the Lens Cap Also Software(Driver and Editing Hopefully for a MAC Im just Curious aswell. The Box Says 8MB Memory Card, but there is a 512MB card in it. Not a Memory Card wiz, so this will sound stupid....which is bigger? Im sure I can guess but I rather sound stupid asking then guessing HAHA Also I am missing the manual on how to use the cam....... Would it be worth sourcing these items out, or should I ago different route? Function questions: I have no clue what I am doing wrong here, but after I use the camcorder and I plug it into the TV to watch what I recorded, it looks extremely pixelated....like bad.... My Question is do I have this set on a lower Pixel rating, or is it just a Crummy cam? I want crystal clear video. I know it won't be as good as HD, but I am positive it should be a lot better than it is....Here is an example of it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpOjBqMDhDY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwGX-fQ91-Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCKi6zLKyjQ This is my main problem right now.........Besides missing my battery lol!!! PLEASE ANY HELP VIA PM, EMAIL, PHONE text, TELEKINESIS, TELEPATHIC, Either way is fine with me.... Email: Speedjunkyz@hotmail.com Phone: 717-650-4914 (text me please) The others are upto you......
You need a firewire cable, possibly a firewire card, and some software to transfer to pc. I use WinDV, which is free and the best.
Also, you asked about 50 questions, not 1, and most of them can be answered by downloading the manual, for your Panasonic, and spend an evening reading it.
Ok first of all. If you could find it on google as easy as you are acting, i woldn't have registered to this forum. 2nd That link you gave me in hopes that my camera would be on there......didn't have my camera on there lol. In the past I have gone to panasonic's site persoanlly and found nothing... I have called them and they said sorry its out of production so no info online. I have googled, and googled, and yahooed, and MSN'ed I have done everything that I know to do. HENCE the reason WHY I am here! This is a forum, if all you have to say is Search....then this forum is pointless and the front page of this forum should say, "We're sorry but you should search for your info, this forum isn't for posting questions that could be found by googling, when really it can't." Thanks for your input. I will take my questions to the other video forum i found.