PVR 150 S-video hookeup no video?

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by aerceg83, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. aerceg83

    aerceg83 Guest

    I have a Happauge PVR-150 running in my PC. I have a PC running Windows XP2, AMD Athlon 3000 x64 processor, two seperate 250 gig hdd, and 2 gig's of ram...

    I have DirecTV HD receiver. The HD receiver is running to my HDTV via Component cables.

    What would be the easiest way of hooking this up to my PC? Should I run the S-Vid cable from the back of my HD receiver to the PVR card or from the back of the TV to the PVR card. I have tried both honestly and can't get a picture with either...

    Any help would be greatly appreciated...

  2. munx

    munx Regular member

    Apr 3, 2005
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    Just so you know, there currently is no way to capture DirecTV HD signals in HiDef format. What you can do is connect it out from you signal and your computer will convert the signal to 720x480. This is what i think. I am not quite sure 100% because i dont have HD. Also, the do sell OTA (Over the air) hdtv capture cards and antennas. Sorry i couldnt be of more assistance. DO you get picture and no audio? WHat program and such are you usuing? PVR card, etc.

    SOCOMII Regular member

    Jul 4, 2005
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    What munx said is true, you cant capture HDTV with that card but there are some out there that will allow HD capture, if thats what uyou want. Check this out http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=76654

    If you dont want to capture HD than like munx said give more info on what program you are using to capture.

    Most programs ahve a device configuration option or something like that, make sure under the device configuration that S-Video is selecetd.

    Also dont try to capture with virtualdub as it wont work with this card because its meant to capture in mpeg format, not avi.

    lol, just realized he posted this in April, oh well still might help somebody
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2006

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