Ok, I have a high end rig with a Plextor 708A in it. I use DVDShrink and the latest Nero version. I usually save it to an ISO and then burn it in Nero. The problem I am having is that, despite the speed that I dictate the disc be burned at, it seems to always burn it at 1X (50 or so minutes). I have tried several media (including Maxells that are rated for 8X). UltraDMA is enabled. Any suggestion? Joey Dryer
PIO vs DMA? If the comp knows it cant keep up with the xfer speed, it will automatically cap the burn speed.
I have checked, it is definitely not in PIO mode. Funny thing is Plextools says the drive is in UDMA2 (as does windows), and Nero's infotool says DMA is not on.
What are the typical times for burning a DVD movie ISO with Nero 6 at 4X and 8X? Am I correct to assume that it would be about 15 min and 8 mins or so?