quality not so great

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by cziembo, Aug 8, 2007.

  1. cziembo

    cziembo Member

    Sep 14, 2005
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    I have two computers. one with a samsung dvd burner which has servied me loyally thru some 1k burns and a litey shw-16096s which, when combined with ty02s give absolutely excellent burn quality---consistent 95-100 on nero speed check. I bought a sony DRX 830U external and when I burned "A touch of frost" all I got were coasters per nero check. terrible quality. and with Ty02, sony 16x and verbatim 8x. I did the same dvd with my trusty litey 160p6x and the quality was 95. so-----I did Rome, season two, disk one on the sony 830U.(used dvd shrink again, forgot to tell you that). burned ok and when i did the nero quality test, got a 90. better than "a touch of frost, but still not as good as the litey burns I am used to.
    My question is: is this the best I can expect from the sony 830u external? or am I doing something wrong here? I can expect bad burning from the samsung as it has gone thru a whole lot of burns, but a new sony should burn better quality than what I have experienced, I should think. I am using Nero 7 express to burn with DVD Fab Decrypter HD to decrypt and DVD shrink to compress and then burn with nero 7. any thoughts?
  2. hobbit112

    hobbit112 Regular member

    Feb 13, 2006
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    I have a Sony DRU-800A burner which just plain sucks. It's actually a re-badged Lite-On burner which gives me better results now that I have cross-flashed it with Lite-On firmware. The Sony cost me about $115.00 and the comparable Lite-On burner would have cost half that at the most at that time (2 years ago).

    I've found that I get much better results with the $35.00 Benq burner I bought as a replacement for the $115.00 Sony DRU-800A burner. I also get better results with the 2 Lite-On burners I have purchased within the last year.

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