just wondering, if the audio is 1 sec to fast, then would it be fixed if i cut one second off the end of it in DVD2AVi ? then would the audio and video match up ??
Most likely not no! if you are talking about an avi, open it in virtualdub - http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_tools/virtualdub.cfm click audio - direct stream copy, video direct stream copy - click audio and click interleaving, change the delay to fix the sync and click file - save as avi!
If you've encountered 1 or more DivX (AVI) files out of audio sync and you ripped& encoded, then you need to switch DivX codecs. I found DivX 3x alpha to work best for me. DivX 5.02 caused audio sync on 3 backups, switched to DivX 3x and that fixed the audio sync problems. Shoey
DivX ;-) MPEG4 Codec release 3.11 alpha I agree everyone needs this kick ass codec! http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/codecs_and_filters/divx_3_codec.cfm
Video quality is determined by what codec you use and settings. I use Vidomi for DVD2DivX, 2 pass vbr. Shoey