Question about burning .img files

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by bob0374, Feb 11, 2007.

  1. bob0374

    bob0374 Member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    I have gotten a couple movies that were in .img format and if I use daemon tools to mount it the movie plays fine on my computer.

    But then I tried to burn them to DVDs and when I try to watch on my TV towards the end of the movie it gets all messed up and starts freezing and stuff.

    Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong or what the problem could be? I'm new to the world of DVD burning and any advice would be appreciated.

    And just in case it helps anyone who might reply, I opened the .img to get to all the .vob files to use for burning the DVD
  2. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    you burned the DVD and it gets all messed up and starts freezing and stuff at the end of the movie...... 2 things:
    1. use better media can stop those freezings, skipping, and pixelations that come from recording on crappy media. Stick with the MIJ rule (Made In Japan). Look for the MIJ on the label of the box or spindle..... Taiyo Yuden, Maxell, Sony, Fuji and others..... or just buy Verbatim... they are made in Taiwan/Singapore but are top notch media and the only ones that will get close to my burner.... and
    2. since you are having trouble viewing the end of the movie then maybe you burned to close to the edge of the disk and therefore it has write errors!
    good luck.
  3. bob0374

    bob0374 Member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    "it gets all messed up and starts freezing and stuff" Hah yeah, sorry that doesn't explain much but I guess you get the idea. The video gets all pixelated and will just stop playing for awhile and then jump to another part where it stays frozen or something along those lines, I'm not sure how to describe it better.

    I've got Windata DVD+R media and with a quick google of those they seem to be problematic for people.. I guess I shouldn't have just bought the cheapest ones I could find. If they are the reason I'm having problems, is there anything I can do to make them work better or should I just go out and get something like Verbatim if I want to burn fully viewable DVDs?

    If the discs themselves are not the problem though and I burned too close to the edge like you said, then how would I confirm that's the problem or prevent it in the future? When I burn the discs it gives me a message saying "burn completed successfully" so I didn't think there were any write errors.

    Thanks for trying to help, I appreciate it!
  4. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    I'm sure it's your media and I would just follow suggestion #1. as stated above.
  5. bob0374

    bob0374 Member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    I went out today and got a spindle of Verbatim discs so hopefully that solves the problem.

    The help is definitely appreciated and I'll check back if I have any more problems.

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