This is the first time that I will be using ConvertXtoDVD. I want to put a series of avi's onto the dvd and would like to know, how do you know when you have added too many to burn on the dvd?
When you add the files look at the bottom of the screen in ConvertX - it will show the approx converted size. Go no higher than 4.30 gig.
Hi, ConvertXtoDVD will ajust the bitrate, to make sure your output fits on a DVD5. So converting 2 files or 4 files, it will still fit on a DVD5. It's the bitrate (Quality) that will change to make it fit on a DVD5 (Just like DVDShrink does, ajusts itself to make it fit) With quality input files, you should be able to fit 4 hours of video on 1 DVD5, so check how many episodes it takes to make 3.5 - 4 hours of video. Then convert those to 1 DVD5.