Hello there, I am hoping to have a Starview 2(The Box) delivered to me in the next few days. I am wondering if there is any way that I can use my Mac to flash the box at all. My Mac's USB connections would be only option as it has no serial output. I am guessing that the software at the eko.4shared.com is PC only but if anyone has used a Mac to do this job let me know please.
I haven't talked anyone through a flash with a Mac before but the files on the Eko site will work either way. All you will need is a null modem cable and a Usb to serial port adapter to transfer the files to your box. I have a more comprehensive set up guide for the box but when you are ready to flash to the box post here and I will give it to you.
I got the box today,it has a file on it already version 2.60e. I bought the Usb to Serial and the serial null modem cables to try flash the 4.50 software to the box but have had no success with the software I have tried on my Mac. Maplin didn't have the Nikkai USB to Serial adapter just a Logical USB to Serial converter,I don't know if this could be causing the software to not transfer properly. One of the applications I have tried appeared to have sent the file to the box but still shows the 2.60e file on the system info screen on the box.
Im not sure about MAC either , you WILL need to update from 2.60 as that version does not allow you into the CAS menu to turn the EMU key on 4.50 is for Ireland and have you downloaded the GT ROM Loader to transfer the files to the SV ?