question about job

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by KiNtArO01, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. KiNtArO01

    KiNtArO01 Guest

    hi im 15 and i live in PA about to be 16 and i was wondering if anybody knows what kinda place will hire me any suggestions i hate being broke all the damn time
    thank you in advance
  2. Berryone

    Berryone Regular member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Try McDonnnies
  3. KiNtArO01

    KiNtArO01 Guest

    thanks ill give that a try
  4. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Yeah........any fast food place (McDonalds, Wendy's, Hardees, Burger King). Also a movie theater, to take tickets. Stock boy at Wal Mart or Sam's Club, or grocery stores. Work for a local farmer. Maybe Blockbuster or Hollywood Video? At a local car wash?
    Good luck!

    Let us know if you find one? :eek:)
  5. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    depending on what skills you have, you could find work as a peeon at at an autobody or mechanic's shop. you could also find decent work on a local college campus, at a library, or a temp service.
  6. KiNtArO01

    KiNtArO01 Guest

    thanks ill try it
  7. Berryone

    Berryone Regular member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    McDonalds is a really good place to start, they hire young people during the summer. The money is min wage, but it does put money in your pocket. My Nephew earned enough to Buy his first car. I didn't give the suggestion to be funny. Good Luck. When you're 18 Give the NAVY a chance. (lots of Ops There.)

    I don't like this weather in Pa. Hot & Muggy.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2007
  8. KiNtArO01

    KiNtArO01 Guest

    yea i hate this weather winter rocks tanks for the suggestion i am considering the army i was thinking bout the marines but i really dont wanna be a pop up target so i probably will inlist for the navy and i will try mcdonalds thanks again between u an me i hope winter comes very soon
  9. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    if you go with the navy, get some kind of specialist job on a nuclear sub. great food, great pay, and a lot of opportunities later on down the road.
  10. KiNtArO01

    KiNtArO01 Guest

    yea thats wat im thinking about doing if i cant get a job in auto body im taking it up at vo tech in my school
  11. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    if you do autobody, then all i have to say is PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE
    and get really good at the custom work. there are thousands of guys out there working in shops, and yeah, they get decent money, but if you want be able to ever really take it easy, you want to work you way up to something very good for a while.
  12. KiNtArO01

    KiNtArO01 Guest

    ya me an my older bro are doin camo to his truck i guess it its practice im pretty good at auto body for a starter but your rite i need plenty of practice
  13. Vicious88

    Vicious88 Regular member

    Jan 25, 2007
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    Well I'm not too familiar with the laws regarding youth hours and wages in PA, but if you try, you can probably get a stocking job at any local grocier store. I've had many friends who stocked shelves, from what I can tell the work is fairly easy and the pay is well, what you would expect... But the reason I reccomend it is because a job stocking can lead to running a register, or becoming a department manager, or really anything... All you have to do is climb the corperate ladder.

    One of my employees came to me after having worked two years at WinDixie... His name is Josh H. and in those two years, he had went from stocking shelves, to managing the store. His pay had gone up from minimum wage to $16 and hour with weekends off.

    Like all things in life, nothing is easy...

    But at least with this, you're not getting burned in hot grease or working where there is no air conditioning...

    But this is something I cannot stress enough: DO NOT put work ahead of your schooling. One of my former employees, who I could not afford to pay more than $14 an hour, used that money (along with a small family loan) to put himself through Junior College. Now he has a great job that is PAYING him to go to college and he is now driving a $70,000 BMW everywhere. Education is your key to making more money for less sweat. You'll still have to work, don't get me wrong, but you won't have to suffer.

    Above all else though, remember that no ammount of pay is worth unhappiness. You will want to get a job that makes you happy.
  14. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @KiNtAr001 ... howdy guy! I live in PA too; I'm a social worker working with the unemployed. If you tell me your zip code or county (Not your address!!), I may be able to hook you up with a social services agency which specializes in getting jobs for people under 21. (I'm not positive as not all counties have them but I can look it up).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2007
  15. KiNtArO01

    KiNtArO01 Guest

    18702 Wilkes-Barre
  16. rdmercer1

    rdmercer1 Active member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    you could get some lawn mowing jobs, good money for the time spent doing the work, you can easley get $25.00 per lawn or even more, so if you do the work fast and it takes you less thain an hour to do your job, you can make $50.00 a hour and it is tax free, if you get five lawns at $25.00 per lawn per week you could have $125.00 per week and only put in five hours a week easy money

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